Why Should the Marketers and Leaders Transition Business to AR and VR Technology

It is a no-brainer that agencies, especially media and advertising, are always seeking opportunities to enhance their communication with the consumers. A lot of reasoning and effort goes into finding an apt way to reach out to their viewers. Agencies usually come up with creative campaigns which serve the best interest of their customers, but where they truly struggle to excel is the medium.

In a world, where possibly everything is accessible at your fingertips, the next rational step towards progress would be, to be able to ‘feel’ it.

  • How do we manage to intrigue the already well-read and media-aware consumer?
  • How do we make their experience more immersive?
  • Can virtual be as good as real?
  • Or can it be even better than the real?

Virtual and Augmented Reality Is the Answer You Are Looking For!

VR and AR technology came into existence for the sole reason to make the user experience stand out from the existing competition. These new-age immersive and interactive mediums opened gates to a lot of unutilized opportunities to communicate with consumers. Let’s dive into some of the key features where AR and VR have an edge over the rest!

A Guaranteed Sales Booster!

Suppose, for instance, you decide to re-decor your room. You go through all the trendy magazines and try to visualize the on-sale furniture in the desired spaces. Most often than not, you end up having a completely different outcome than what was intended. This usually happens because our imagination has its limitations and biases. The most obvious after-thought here would be to be able to view your room re-designed but before it’s re-designed!

AR helps you achieve exactly that! Simply point your smartphone in the desired space and you will be able to view how your room would appear with the added items. It’s all virtual! Thus, it eliminates all the tedious tasks of trial and error which often lead to disappointing results. Now, wouldn’t your customers prefer this unique and immersive approach over the usual?


Save, Save and Save!

Don’t be under the wrong impression that the implementation of this new age technology of AR and VR would cost you a fortune. AR/VR advertisements are cheaper than the traditional and ongoing mediums. Due to its target-based and personalized approach, this tech-heavy platform saves up a lot from the budgets and unlike the conventional ways of communication, it can also be used again for many more campaigns.

Thus, if done right, this technology can prove to be the most efficient tool for advertisers.

Go Viral!

Considering the times we live in, the Snowball Effect was never more relevant! Social media has completely changed the rules of advertising and everyone needs to keep up. Advertisers are striving to make their content go viral so that it reaches every potential viewer of their brands.

Virtual and Augmented reality has all the prerequisites to make your content add up to the viral list! It is entertaining, engaging, and most importantly, fascinating! It certainly attracts eyeballs, across all age groups and thus would help in increasing the reach of the intended message of the brand.

Eliminates the Language Barrier!

They say, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. This holds true for the advertisements as well. It is proven that the audiences are more inclined towards visuals than texts! The best part about visual images is that it has a language of its own. AR and VR technology takes advantage of this and excels through the process of communicating through moving images. Of course, a language might be needed to operate it on a base level, but with multiple options to choose from, the user can easily get through.

Safe Virtual Events

Let’s face it! The pandemic has shaken us all, and not just on a physical level but also an emotional one! People aren’t yet open to the idea of going out in a crowd, even when they might miss out on something important. The AR and VR platforms come as a saviour in such situations. This immersive technology makes it possible for your audience to access desired events virtually! In this era of social distancing, this method is truly a blessing.

Be it conferences, corporate events, or even a fashion show, AR/VR lets brands educate, engage and launch their offerings without being physically present.

Training Without Trainers!

In instances where a product or a service requires technical training for the user to understand the aspects of it, VR technology is hands down, the best way to move forward. VR provides a personalized and interactive experience wherein the trainee could study the product virtually. This approach is very effective due to its multiple re-run ability.

The trainee or the user can practice via the VR headset for as long as desired. This reduces the chances of any operational risk that the trainee or the user could experience while using the actual product and hence helps them educate about it skillfully. And let’s not forget, it is so much more fun than the usual training sessions!

In the Service of the Customer

‘Customer is the king’. The eventual goal of any business is to satisfy the customers and thereby increase sales. Augmented and Virtual Reality is probably the most straightforward technique to educate the customers. With the use of this technology, the users are able to make a clear decision on what they need to opt for. This prevents any unnecessary confusion and doubts that arise in the consumer’s mind. Thus, it helps in increasing customer satisfaction, which could eventually lead to higher sales!

To compete with competence, advertisers and media agencies should earnestly consider using Augmented and Virtual Reality solutions to boost marketing and bring their A-game to the field!

Ethosh Agency Partnership Program is a unique, one-of-a-kind opportunity for advertising and media agencies to collaborate with Ethosh and offer their clients immersive & interactive experiential technology solutions.

We all are aware that the agencies are top-notch creatively, but when it comes to technology, we’re quite awesome too! Interested in exploring and offering your clients, solutions like virtual and augmented reality? This partnership program is the optimum place to start!

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