
Ethosh is a digital experience agency, helping businesses engage customers, partners and employees through storytelling and digital channels like VR, AR, Web and mobile.

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

The Rise of Learning 4.0: How Online Learning and Training are Revolutionizing Education

Learning, as we all know, is ubiquitous. And this stands especially true for organizations aiming to flourish in today’s competitive market space – a space that requires employees to constantly enhance their skillset. This makes it essential for organizations to encapsulate learning solutions that not only cater to these evolving learning needs but are also …

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Why Should the Marketers and Leaders Transition Business to AR and VR Technology

It is a no-brainer that agencies, especially media and advertising, are always seeking opportunities to enhance their communication with the consumers. A lot of reasoning and effort goes into finding an apt way to reach out to their viewers. Agencies usually come up with creative campaigns which serve the best interest of their customers, but …

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Embracing the Virtual: How Corporate Events Are Transitioning Amidst the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a severe economic disruption around the world, throwing millions of businesses into an abyss of insecurity and uncertainty. Several hundred have been forced to shut down while others have been struggling to adapt to the new normal of remote working. Even as the world is emerging region by region …

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Pandemic or Lockdown, Carol Must Launch

Did you read how Mark made fighting deadly infections serious play? Now, as promised, let me tell you about my other friend, Carol. Imagine an ice cream truck jingling by as everyone sits tight at home, scared the virus would pounce on them if they dared to step out. Waste of some good ice cream, …

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Tame Deadly Infections and Have Fun Learning How

Let me begin with a cliché. Happy New Year! Here is another. After 2020, you bet any new year will be happier! Here is a third, and I promise the last one. When life gives you lemons … I did not know that opportunities presented by lemons extended well beyond the l‘ade. My friends Mark …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Despite Digital, the Rx for Effective Marketing Remains CX

It is a pleasant November morning in 2021. I am looking forward to my meeting with John and Sara. It has been so long after our last coffee together. John is already in the room and Sara walks in soon after I enter. Yes, it feels a little strange to be free of our masks …

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Align Your Content to Every Touch Point During B2B Customer Journey

Not so long ago, there were two avatars of marketing—business-to-customer (B2C) …

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

When VR Makes a Cut as an Experiential Tool for the Surgeons

If the medicine is all about saving and improving lives, medical technology is all about making that easier, more precise and less troublesome for both doctors and patients. There is one catch, though. It takes diligence and many years of hard work to master the complex human body sufficiently enough to follow the basic principle …

BLOG | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

How AR Augments Modern Marketing Beyond the “Wow”

Tara is a democratic shopper. When she went shopping last December, she did not stop trying on a few pieces she liked. She encouraged her friends who had accompanied her to vote for each piece to help her buy what most preferred. She did the same when she shopped last week. Staying safe at home, …

BLOG | AI Marketing

Technology Designed to Know, Engage, Inform, and Delight Your Customer

Thousands were displaced by the lockdown necessitated by the pandemic. And forced to walk hundreds of miles in fear and hunger, desperate to be home, to be somewhere safe. And clueless about what tomorrow would bring. You must have seen the images and the videos. And you must have been moved. Now, imagine one of …

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