Video Resume: Tips for Making a Stunning One

A video resume, or a video CV, has become a very common tool for job seekers. The idea behind this recording is to promote a job seeker.

A video resume is basically a recording of your resume, which includes the most relevant details. Your objective is to get a job in your chosen industry, and this type of video will help you do that. The next step is to make it attractive to the potential employer. The following tips can help you create a great video resume. Keep reading to learn more about video CV production.


What Is a Video Resume?

A video resume is a new format for submitting your resume that combines both text and visual content. Basically, it is a self-presentation in a video format. This can be extra beneficial, as video offers a more concise format that you can edit and present to the hiring manager in a way that will stand out.

However, a video CV is more than just turning your paper resume into a video. This format allows job seekers to present, not only their professional qualities, but also their creativity. For example, it is possible to create a resume as an animated video, a whiteboard video, or a clip with stop-motion effects.

Still, such a CV should include all the information mentioned in your paper resume: education, experience, interests, etc.


Why Should You Choose a Video Format?

Using video for your resume has several advantages. The first is that it is more effective than writing one. You can incorporate visuals and a script to make the video flow well, and people are more likely to remember the information they get from videos than from text. Thus, recruiters will more easily remember you than your competitor, who only submitted a paper resume.

Secondly, it’s pretty easy to create an eye-catching video even if you use your smartphone or screen capture software. You’ll be able to customize the video and include your own personality. It’s also a good idea to include your contact information, including a link to your online profile. So, this format combines efficiency and a stunning look. Moreover, producing a video can be an exciting opportunity to try a new activity and let your creativity flow.

Creating a Video Resume

Now that any doubts you had about the efficiency of a video resume have been removed, let’s move on to practical tips on how to create an impressive CV in video format. Use our guidelines to make your resume stand out from the competition.

#1 Make a Script

The very first step is to write a script for your video resume. Of course, you can use your regular CV as a template and just speak about each of the main points that are written in it. However, it is better to prepare a plan of what you are going to say and in what order. Once you have created a script, you can shoot your video faster and more easily and avoid unwanted pauses. Also, you can be sure that you will not miss any essential information and will not include anything unnecessary.

#2 Keep It Short

For the recruiter, your video CV might be the first or the twenty-first of the day, so it is necessary to make it concise and short. No recruiter will watch a 30-minute video. According to studies, the optimal length for a video resume is from 1 to 2 minutes. If you make it shorter, you will possibly not be able to include all the necessary information. But if it is too long, viewers are more likely to become bored before they reach the end.


#3 Use Good Equipment

Creating high-quality content always requires the right equipment. Yet, there is no need to purchase an expensive professional camera as most modern smartphones provide good image quality. However, consider using an external microphone to ensure the sound will also be recorded in high quality. As you are telling your story, it is necessary for viewers to hear you clearly. Also, think about the lighting; it is better to use natural sources of light, but conditions might not always allow that. In this case, you can use professional lights. Finally, if you use your phone to record your video, consider using a tripod to avoid a shaky image that can also spoil the impression.

#4 Consider the Location

Another important point is to think about the location. Here, you need to consider several points: whether you will have enough light, whether the background is suitable for a business video, and the surroundings. First, evaluate the lighting and keep in mind that you might need studio lights if the location is too dark. Second, the background and surroundings should be neutral so that they are not distracting for the viewer. Also, they should not be too personal – remember you are making a video for your future employer, not for friends.

#5 Dress Appropriately

Your clothes and hairstyle are also a part of your self-presentation, so make sure that your look is suitable for a job interview and for an ordinary business day in an office. Your outfit and hairstyle should match an office dress code; avoid non-formal looks, dirty clothes, or messy hair, as they can make a poor impression on recruiters and present you as an untidy person.

It would be best if you know the dress code of the particular company you are applying to and consider it while choosing an outfit for your CV video.

#6 Be Positive and Energetic

Being positive and energetic is vital, though it does not mean you need to run around or jump like a cheerleader. Instead, you should show your enthusiasm and positive attitude towards your future job, so that your viewers can see you are interested in it. A serene smile and medium speech tempo can help you look and sound confident and energetic and win your viewers’ trust.


#7 Do Not Read from the Paper

Though you need to have a script, you should not read from it in front of the camera as it can give the impression of an insecure or nervous person. Remember that while shooting a video resume, you should imagine your interviewers instead of the camera. Thus, it would be best if you look straight at the camera so that you can establish eye-to-eye contact with your viewers. This will give the impression of a confident and dynamic person. And if you speak freely about yourself as a person and a professional, you have a better chance of impressing your future employer.

#8 Speak Clearly

As we have already mentioned, sound is vital for the perception of the entire video. So, it is essential not only to use a high-quality microphone but also to speak very clearly so that recruiters are able to hear and understand each word without effort. Being excited about your work is natural, and it can even present you as a passionate professional, but it would be much better to speak calmly while recording your video CV. Remember that your goal is to be easily understood.

#9 Add a CTA

After watching your resume, recruiters should not wonder what they should do next. Instead, a call to action at the end of the video can help your viewers understand what you expect them to do after watching your CV and motivate them to do it. For example, you can invite them to visit your LinkedIn profile for more detailed information about your experience or the website with your portfolio. And if you upload a resume to YouTube, you can include all the necessary links in the description of the video and encourage viewers to follow these links.

#10 Make It Look Professional

Finally, ensure that your video resume looks professional and attractive. Besides all the points mentioned above, post-production can also help you make a video more professional-looking. It can be an excellent idea to use a video editor to cut unnecessary fragments, stabilize your video, and apply some color correction tools or filters. Though a video CV does not require many edits, even a minimum of montage can help you make your resume much smoother and more appealing, which can also influence the impressions your future employer forms about you.


Look for Inspiration

Though your main goal is to showcase your personality and your professional skills, some creativity is also welcome, especially if it is related to your profession. Good video resume examples with this kind of creativity are the resume of a filmmaker, an animated video resume, and a humorous video CV. However, remember to respect the corporate culture of the company you are applying to – not all employers welcome informal resumes.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, we can say that creating a video resume is not as complicated as it might seem. While it is true that you need to consider many details, you don’t need any special skills to make an impressive CV and significantly increase your chances of being hired.

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