Video Resume: Tips for Making a Stunning One

A video resume, or a video CV, has become a very common tool for job seekers. The idea behind this recording is to promote a job seeker. A video resume is basically a recording of your resume, which includes the most relevant details. Your objective is to get a job in your chosen industry, and …

10 Google Ads Strategy Mistakes That Will Put You Out of Business (And How to Fix Them)

A solid Google Ads Strategy is great for boosting leads and sales. With transparent and instantaneous results, the benefits can be plentiful. This is a digital marketing strategy that can bring great results with patience and care. That’s why Google Ads should be an important part of your marketing strategy.  But before you rush into …

Resale Is Booming – This Is How You Make Reselling Part of Your Ecommerce Strategy

For a couple of years now, sustainability has been a hype among many e-commerce brands. More and more often we see that resale is becoming a permanent part of sustainable strategies and we get it. According to a GlobalData report, the worldwide resale market is growing a whopping 11 times faster than traditional retail and …

Mind The Details To Get The Most From Your B2B Website

Competition drives B2B website leaders to constantly improve because slim differences can have a deep impact on their bottom lines. Improvement opportunities are sometimes found in major initiatives, such as a website redesign. But market leaders know key opportunities can also be recognized between redesigns, where optimization can focus on site performance KPI and, most …

Rising Digital Marketing Trends Predicted by Digital Agencies for 2022

What are the latest digital marketing trends you should implement in 2022? How companies will be noticed in that crowded digital world? Digital marketing is growing at such a fast pace that it may all seem confusing at times. But here’s the lowdown on everything around digital marketing that’s important to know right now. The …

Content Marketing vs. Paid Advertising : Which is the best for your business?

Content marketing services are a cost-effective choice for any company, particularly when it comes to expanding its audience. Whereas, paid advertising works well for short-term results, but once that campaign has ended the company will have to start all over again. It may also depend on the type of business you are running. If you …

How to Scale Your Agency with Automated Client Reporting

After you’ve onboarded a new client to your agency and have their campaigns up and running, it’s common that the majority of communication will come in the form of client reporting.  The frequency and format of each report will change for each client, although there’s no question that client reporting is one of the best …

Why Does Your B2B Ecommerce Website Need An SSL Certificate?

What will you do if hackers attack your website? It happened with the Solar Wind attack when cybercriminals hacked over 250 companies and government systems to get their hands on over 18000 customers’ information. After the pandemic, cyber-attacks have worsened, especially the attacks on B2B eCommerce websites, making it tougher for businesses to safeguard user …

5 Tools You Need for Sales Training

Research on the impact of sales training conducted by Sales Readiness Group and Training Industry showed that companies whose “sales skills training programs exceeded expectations had significantly higher win rates (52.6%) than companies where training programs met expectations (48%) or needed improvement (40.5%).” [1] The obvious question is – how can a company provide employees …

Why Getting the Right Branding Can Make or Break Your Business

How’s your day going? If you’ve been out and about, there’s a good chance that you’ve visited a business or two, whether it was to buy a coffee or to book a flight. There’s also a good chance that you chose those particular businesses because you recognized their branding. When considering how to construct your brand identity, …

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