How to Drive More Action Using Email Marketing

59% of marketing emails influence purchase decisions. If that doesn’t highlight the power of email marketing – I don’t know what does!

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools for driving traffic to your website, generating leads, and converting sales. It can be a gold mine for marketers (when done correctly). Over 93% of B2B marketers use emails to help distribute their content, making it one of the most favored forms of marketing out there.

However, there’s a risk that comes with email marketing. When executed inefficiently – your email will be just another one that your recipient ignores.

But we won’t go down that road!

Instead, we’re going to show you how to create a successful email marketing campaign that will drive action.

How to Make the Most of Your Email Marketing Campaign

Mastering the art of email marketing can take some time to perfect. But here are our top tips to help get you started!

Start with a killer subject line: You’re aware of the classic saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, right? Unfortunately, this doesn’t quite work when it comes to email marketing. Your subject line is what will either entice your recipients to click and read the contents of the email, swiftly move it to the trash can or even worse, mark it as spam. 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone – so, it’s crucial that you craft a killer subject line to get past the first hurdle.

  • Keep it short (ideally, 40 characters or less)
  • Turn down the drama, avoid using capital letters and too many exclamations points
  • Use keywords that are known for increasing open rates
  • Utilise emojis and numbers

Nail the email structure: When it comes to writing copy for the web, structure is important. Consuming long paragraphs of information is enough to make someone regret opening your email and click off before they start reading. Following a logical structure and keeping your paragraphs short and concise will help enhance your email’s readability.

And don’t forget your call to action (CTA)! This should reflect what action you want your users to take once they have read the email.

Know who you’re writing for: No matter what product or service you’re selling – you need to know who your audience is. Each business has a different experience with email campaigns, depending on its user base.

Once you know who you’re writing for, you can tailor your copy to suit your customers’ needs. And if you’re new to marketing, you can gather audience data easily by using Google Analytics or your existing social media accounts.

Track your progress: It’s important to constantly track your email marketing performance. There are some trusty metrics you should regularly measure to maintain a healthy email list and improve your campaigns – these include:

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Unsubscribe rate
  • Complaint rate (how many recipients marked your email as spam)
  • Conversion rate
  • Campaign ROI

Timing is key: The success of your emails can be significantly determined by when you send them. The worst open and click-through rates occur on the weekends, as most people have logged out of work mode. While every business is different, using data to monitor when your users are most frequently opening your emails will help you find that sweet spot that will skyrocket your open rates.

How blazon Can Help You

Need help creating a truly irresistible marketing campaign that will increase open rates, drive traffic and convert sales? Fear not – our talented blazon team can do just that. To find out more about our email marketing service or other services we have to offer, head to our website.

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