Nargis Jafferali

Nargis uses her flair for creative ideas and an eye for perfection, alongside her business experience to help our clients and support them on their journey. Challenging the status quo is what the blazon team are most proud of, and Nargis leads the team to think outside the box, with passion and originality.

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Can Distributed Teams Improve Your Startups Scalability?

70% of employees no longer think it’s necessary to go back to the office to be able to conduct their work and 96% of professionals say they need flexible working arrangements. So, it’s no wonder distributed teams are on the rise for startups, but can they help your startup scale? Were you aware that distributed …

BLOG | Social Media Marketing

The Rise of Lo-Fi Social Media for Startups

When you set out marketing campaigns for your startup, there’s one common piece of advice given: be authentic. So, what’s more, authentic than lo-fi content filmed on your phone and uploaded straight to Instagram without fancy equipment or a high budget? For most consumers, nothing. Lo-fi content, otherwise known as low-fidelity, means it requires little …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Power to the Past: Why You Should Be Utilising Nostalgia Marketing

The past is a powerful thing, it evokes memories and emotions in us like nothing else. It makes us excited to see something from our past crop up in our present, like a toy or TV show from childhood. We’re excited to hear about a beloved series from when we were younger getting a reboot, …


How to Race into Position Zero with These Tips in 2021?

Just when you thought it was safe to enter the first position search result, a new competitor enters the ring. Click-through rates for pages that had been moved from position one to position zero-shot up by 114%, but how do you get there? It is known by many names: position zero, the featured snippet, a …

BLOG | Email Marketing

How Does Email Marketing Affect Your Business? Long Live the Newsletter

There are 4 billion daily email users and 99% of those users check their inbox every morning. That’s crazy numbers and a large, untapped resource for your startup to be gaining visibility. Picture the scene: You’re a consumer, checking your emails one morning and you sigh as you’re faced with a wall of promotional and …

BLOG | Email Marketing

How to Drive More Action Using Email Marketing

59% of marketing emails influence purchase decisions. If that doesn’t highlight the power of email marketing – I don’t know what does! Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools for driving traffic to your website, generating leads, and converting sales. It can be a gold mine for marketers (when done correctly). Over …

BLOG | Content Marketing

How to Write Compelling Content That Will Inspire Your Followers

42% of B2B marketers say they’re effective at content marketing. But in a world where content marketing is taking over, how do you make sure your content stands out from the crowd? To marketers, it’s no surprise that when done correctly, content marketing can produce some incredible results for your business. But with so much …

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