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Website Speed Optimization Tools
Website Speed Optimization Tools

Best Website Speed Optimization Tools

Explore the best website speed optimization tools to speed up your website, optimize your website performance, reduce bounce rate, and boost your conversions.

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in Website Speed Optimization



Hexometer detects downtime and fixes page speed performance issues, security vulnerabilities, page & JS errors, email deliverability, SEO optimization or server configuration problems before they burn a hole in your pocket.



The Dotcom-Monitor LoadView load testing platform is designed to spin up load testing instances in multiple cloud locations at once. Dotcom-Monitor continues to assess and add additional service providers and geographic regions as they become available.



Uptrends is the ultimate monitoring tool to stay in control of the uptime, performance, and functionality of your websites, APIs, and servers.



Pingdom provides real user, uptime, page speed, and synthetic monitoring of web applications from outside the firewall.



DareBoost is online software (SaaS), that allows to test, analyze and monitor any website about quality and performance (load time). It will give you web best practices and advice on technologies used by your website.

Speed Kit

Speed Kit

Speed Kit stores a copy of your website on our super fast caching infrastructure. Instead of fetching content from the original slow server, Speed Kit makes the browser of any user get the cached, accelerated copy.

SE Ranking

SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a marketing platform comprised of a set of tools designed to assist marketers and SEO experts in their work. The software is a reliable assistant for any marketing / seo expert.



At SpeedCurve, they measure the interplay between web design and web performance. They offer user experience monitoring tools that give you true insights into what your visitors are experiencing.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) reports on the performance of a page on both mobile and desktop devices and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved.



Cloudways is an intuitive, one-click Managed Cloud Hosting Platform for eCommerce store owners, and design agencies. The Cloudways Agency Partnership Program is your agency’s ticket to growth with a reliable web hosting platform.



Ubersuggest is an SEO tool that continues to grow and transform after being purchased by Neil Patel. The platform, once free to everyone, has transitioned to a paid model with advanced features that webmasters can leverage to “win the game of SEO".



Site24x7 offers unified cloud monitoring for analyzing the experience of real users accessing websites and applications from desktop and mobile devices.



Sucuri’s Load Time Tester tool lets you measure the amount of time it takes to connect to your site and for one page to fully load from a number of different test locations. The test results show the connection time and time to the first-byte value recorded at each test location.



YOTTAA accelerates, optimizes, and controls 3rd party eCommerce technologies, high-resolution images, and other website elements, resulting in superior customer experiences, up to 60% faster web performance, and up to 20% increases in online conversion. is a robust, ultra-fast image optimizer and compressor with best-in-class algorithms. They'll save you bandwidth and storage space and will dramatically improve your website’s load times.



GTmetrix is a tool that analyzes website performance and page load time. It can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around improved website experience for users. A faster performing website will result in fewer bounce rates, higher engagement, and overall better user experience.

How to Choose the Best Website Optimization Tools?

In the digital-centric world, the speed of web pages has drastically become prominent. It brings together some concepts such as page load times, conversion rate, bounce rate and user experience. These concepts play a crucial role in gaining insights into your website performance. At this point, it should be given high priority to website speed test tools.


Website speed optimization tools automatically check your website speed and set daily, monthly and yearly reports to evaluate and improve page speed. From Google’s perspective, if your website doesn’t load properly or takes some time to load, the search engine will not crawl it in the search results. So, the website’s performance is starting to rapidly go down. As a result, it will affect your organic search result and so the revenue.


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There are some steps you should follow to improve your site speed. Compressing the size of files and reducing redirects in sending HTTP requests will definitely help speed up your website. Additionally, strengthening your browser caching not only reduces time spent on loading but also reduces bandwidth. Using a great content delivery network provides faster and secure access to your website as well.


With using a speed test tool, you can take your website performance metrics to the next level by gaining speed insights. As your website performance is directly related to user experience, it is clear to say that it has great importance on your sales performance. To make this measurement easier, you can have a look at the solutions that have Opera, Safari or Google Chrome extensions available.


Before we move forward with the key criteria, we would like to touch upon a subject that there is no best fit for all solutions. The best one will reshape your needs. Even sometimes free tools can fulfil your requests. Simply put, the best one will not have to be the pricey one. Above, we have gathered the best website speed optimization tools both paid and free ones.


Key Criteria to Evaluate Website Speed Optimization Tools

Pricing Policy

Pricing Policy

Each website speed optimization tool offers several pricing plans that cover both free and paid plans. Being able to try it before purchasing would be a good option to see if the software meets your needs. Besides, it is better to be mindful of whether you are going to optimise single or multiple web pages.



Website optimization tools offer a suite of features and options to optimize your website easily. The core features would be reporting key performance indicators, giving suggestions on how to improve your website performance and visitor experience, testing from multiple locations and much more.



Being able to integrate website speed optimization tools with other platforms such as Slack, Zapier, Microsoft Teams etc. will make your maintenance easier. As these integrations make notification sending more accurate, they will allow you to take the right actions before things worsen.



It is better to explore resources that the website speed optimization tool provides to make more satisfied users. Resources cover almost anything related to website speed test tools from video tutorials, case studies, webinars to blogs, whitepapers and testimonials. These all help you make the most of the platform and build trust.

Customer Services

Customer Services

We don’t know when problems can arise, so easily accessible and knowledgeable customer service may help sort out problems accurately and on time when they occur. While some software offers email support, some offers live chat or mobile support with multiple language options.

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