How Do I Rank Higher on Google?

You may be thinking that you’re doing everything you can to get traffic to your brand. You’re spending money on Google ads, social media ads, and writing content that you think is great.

Your website or e-commerce store looks clean and appealing, but you’re still not getting the results you want. Your page is constantly found in the depths of the internet where no one will ever find it. Well, there’s a short and simple answer for the secret to ranking higher on Google and getting the traffic you desire: SEO (Search Engine Optimization). 

SEO is one of the strongest methods for ranking higher on Google. If you’re looking to take your brand to the next level and increase the traffic you get, then this guide created by the Bold x Collective team is just for you! 

You already know the short answer for what the key to ranking higher on Google is. You learned that it’s SEO. But what is it exactly and how do you utilize it? Let’s break it down!

1. Improve On-Site SEO

On-site SEO is one of the simpler methods to improve your overall rankings on Google. Here are some of the tricks you can use to do this: 

  • Google will judge terms that come after the initial keyword as slightly less important, so make sure to state keywords in as soon as you can. You should use them in your title tag.
  • Longer content tends to rank higher. You try to try to make your content at least 1800 words or higher. Most marketers with experience in SEO will say that they see a correlation between Google rankings and the length of the content. 
  • Google judges content based on relevancy, because they want their users to be happy with their search results. The more relevant info you give in your content, the higher Google will place you in its rankings. You should try to use your keyword about 2-3 times for each of your blogs.

2. Add LSI Keywords to Your Page

LSI, also known as Latent Semantic Index keywords, is an advanced on-page SEO tactic. It uses a powerful algorithm to determine the relevance of your site regarding your topic. If you are talking about traveling, then relevant LSI keywords would be an adventure, budget, flights, best countries to visit, where to travel during covid, etc. 

This shows Google that you are talking about that topic. The more in-depth you are with your LSI keywords, the higher Google will place you in their rankings for relevancy on that specific topic. 

3. Monitor Technical SEO

Making sure your technical SEO is optimal is about constantly checking on its functionality. You want to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly especially seeing as more than half of all purchases on the internet are made on mobile devices!

What are aspects of technical SEO that you should be monitoring?

  • Website speed
  • Ensuring the website is both desktop and mobile friendly
  • Ensuring everything functions on the site as it should, such as:
  • Your contact forms
  • The chatbot
  • Newsletters subscribe form and any automations

These are all components that will affect your website bounce rate. You want to make sure the functionality of your website is not an issue for users, so their experience is smooth sailing. 

4. Match Content with Search Intent

Google tracks and ranks your website based on how users interact with your site. How long are they staying on your website? Which sections of your website are they more likely to visit and stay on? If people are satisfied with their findings on your page and don’t search anything about the topic afterward, Google bumps your site up the rankings. 

For example, let’s say your topic is on makeup tutorials and you have a list of techniques you’re showing people about how to do makeup. You believe your content is golden and you think it should rank on Google because it’s giving people that are trying to improve their makeup game relevant info. Yet you aren’t getting any traffic. This will affect your search engine ranking. 

Making sure you understand what users are searching and matching your content based on that will dramatically improve your SEO. 

5. Reduce Your Bounce Rate

People are visual by nature. Most of the information humans process is visual. Picture a scenario where you’re on your phone and on a website that piqued your interest. Then all you see a black and white page that shows a bunch of small text and a lack of interaction. You’ll most likely lose your interest and “bounce”.

Especially nowadays where the competition is huge, you need to stand out. Images are more likely to grab attention than text and videos are more likely to engage than images. Obviously there needs to be content as well, as you can’t just flood your website with tons of videos, as it may overwhelm your audience and increase your bounce rate. You need to have balance in your content. 

You should also structure your pages so that navigation through your website flows and people have no issues finding anything they’re looking for. Adding a table of contents always helps. A good way to understand how most people navigate through your website is using tools like Hot Jar, where you can get an evaluation of how your consumer is using the website, by using heat maps. 

6. Find the Right Keywords to Target

It’s important to use analytics to find the right keywords to target. How can you do this?

  • Find keywords that already drive traffic in your analytics results and try to focus on those to improve your organic traffic.
  • Find keywords that have high search volumes. You want to make sure that your keywords have enough people searching them. For example, if your keyword is “Chocolate Sachertorte’s” and only 50 people are searching for that word monthly, sure your keyword is unique and you most likely won’t have much competition, however it also has a maximum of 50 people that you can get through organic traffic per month, even if you’re the only one using that keyword. If you made your keyword, “Oreo and Peanut Butter Pie”, and the search volume is approximately 3500 people searching that monthly, yes, there may be more competition, but the amount of people interested in this keyword is much higher, so this is the better keyword to use.
  • Finding keywords with low KD (Keyword Difficulty) scores is essential in choosing the right keywords. Analytics ranks keywords based on their difficulty to rank on. So obviously you should try to choose keywords with lower KD scores, while also remaining viable in the other categories like search volume and relevancy.
  • Find keywords with high business value. Even if you get a lot of traffic on your site, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make you revenue, so another key factor is to find words that have higher translation in conversion rate.


We understand that ranking on Google may not seem as easy as it sounds, especially with all the competition jumping on board with online marketing in today’s world. Our team at Bold x Collective is here to help you every step of the way.

We’ve helped several brands in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada, and even worldwide, rank higher on Google and other search engines. If you’re ready to level up your marketing game through SEO and rank higher on Google, contact us to get started.

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