BLOG | AI Marketing

How To Utilize Artificial Intelligence In Mobile App Development

Mobile apps have been at the center of the technological revolution because of rising consumer demand for instantaneous, on-the-go access to content. From social media and gaming, to food services and banking, there’s an app for that. With U.S. users spending over 5 hours a day on mobile apps, it’s no wonder apps are one …

BLOG | AI Marketing

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace The Content Writer?

You don’t have to look far to find statistics and predictions on the future impact of artificial intelligence (AI). But while self-driving cars and augmented reality headsets have excited consumers, enterprise headlines have focused more on the risk that it poses to workers. Analyst giant Forrester have claimed that 16% of jobs in the U.S. …

BLOG | AI Marketing

Artificial Intelligence And Its Impact On Digital

Since the very beginning of 2016, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made incredible progress. From autonomous driving to the AlphaGo’s victory over the world champ Lee Sedol, the achievements made by AI in the past year have been more than impressive. Google’s DeepMind AI can now read lips better than a professional and has mastered the …

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