How To Utilize Artificial Intelligence In Mobile App Development

Mobile apps have been at the center of the technological revolution because of rising consumer demand for instantaneous, on-the-go access to content.

From social media and gaming, to food services and banking, there’s an app for that.

With U.S. users spending over 5 hours a day on mobile apps, it’s no wonder apps are one of the main sources for how users access the internet.

And because mobile apps have become such a fundamental part of our day-to-day technological experience, there’s a sense of urgency among tech companies to discover and distribute something that’s new and exciting.

The biggest trends that are taking shape in app creation involve the integration of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality.

Consumers first began to see the application of this advanced tech with the introduction of Niantic’s hit gaming app, Pokemon Go.

Now, the integration of AI, VR and AR are becoming a standard across the industry. Google CEO Sundar Pichai even proclaimed early last year that, “[a]n important shift from a mobile-first world to an AI first world” is underway.

With the use of artificial intelligence, apps can create a more personalized experience for users by analyzing data and identifying key patterns in user behavior. To leverage the power of AI for your own business’ mobile app development, here are a couple tips that will level up your brand strategy.

Use AI to Deliver Personalized Content

Machine learning is one of the most prominent uses of AI because companies can sift through large quantities of data and make insightful conclusions based on the derived information.

This is important for businesses because AI can analyze a user’s behavior and determine what that user’s preferences may be. For example, a retailer can leverage machine learning to help generate more clothing options a customer may like based on previous purchases.

Similarly, a streaming company like Netflix can use artificial intelligence to help provide their viewers with recommendations for shows and movies they might find interesting.

Delivering customized content to your users is one of the most important aspects of business because it keeps them engaged with your brand. With the help of AI, you can show your audience you’re actively paying attention to what products and services they like and dislike. This kind of personalization helps improve your brand’s customer experience; it increases user retention and, at the same time, drives revenue.

Use AI to Respond to your Customers

As a business owner, there are probably hundreds of inquiries you need to respond to every day. Some of them are most likely internal. However, the majority are most likely from customers inquiring about everything from stock on a specific product, to your business’ hours of operation.


Companies like Google have already integrated this feature into their mobile app for user convenience. Inbox, which is Google’s mobile email app, uses artificial intelligence for Smart Reply to create customized responses based on the messages you’ve received.

You can select one of the recommended answers or write one yourself, save it, and use it the next time someone has a similar inquiry. This will not only improve your team’s productivity, but can also be used as a means to drive revenue.

For example, retargeting users via email produces a 100.95% click-through rate in a segmented campaign. You can answer a user inquiry while helping them along the sales funnel to convert. Using AI to respond to your customers is a powerful brand strategy tool. It gives your team the ability to craft precise responses for your customers.

Use AI for Voice-Powered Technology

One of the most popular applications that have risen for artificial intelligence is voice search. As of January 2018, there were an estimated one billion voice searches conducted per month.

Gartner believes that by 2020, 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen and, by that time, ComScore notes that voice search will account for 50% of all searches. The rise in this technology means more and more businesses will begin to integrate voice technology into their mobile app development.

One way you can use voice technology is through the integration of virtual assistants. This means allowing your users to activate certain features of your app with their voice through the help of an AI-powered machine like Cortana or Siri.

For example, Domino’s has integrated Amazon’s Alexa into their mobile app so customers can order pizza while doing other household chores like laundry. This hands free access to the internet is what makes voice technology so appealing to consumers.

Tip Summary

As a collective, companies have only begun to scratch the surface for what’s possible with artificial intelligence.

Beginning to integrate this tech with your brand ensures your company will stay ahead of the curve. Let’s go over the tips one more time for how you can use artificial intelligence for your mobile app:

• Use machine learning and AI to deliver personalized content to your users to drive engagement
• Interact with your customers at scale with the help of AI and create customized responses to their inquiries
• Create a hands-free user experience for your audience with AI and voice technology

Good luck and let us know how you used artificial intelligence to level-up your mobile app!

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