Promoting Your Apps with Video Content the Right Way

If you’ve ever tried to create a mobile app (either as a pet project or as a part of your business), you know that the competition is harsh out there. Many industries are discovering that creating a mobile app is even better than having a mobile website in terms of functionality, user preference, monetization, and …

Promoting a Website vs Mobile App: Differences in the Marketing Strategy

It’s easy to assume that promoting an app and a website requires pretty much the same strategies. They both fall into the digital marketing realm, so how far apart can they be, right? Wrong. Of course, there are some overlaps, similar terminology, and they both require constant updates. But the means of going about these …

How to Use Creative Assets to Convert Users in Apple App Store and Google Play Store

So you’ve got your copy down and you’ve got your app up and running, but what about the visual side of things? Visuals are just as important in acquiring new users, helping lead them to the point of a download. It’s all well and good having your USPs and features in writing, but if users …

All You Need to Know About WeChat in the First Half of 2020

WeChat is continuously updating and adding new features. With >1.1B monthly active users, the Chinese dominant platform has already evolved into something much more than a traditional social media platform. It is almost an Operating System. Consumers see the platform as the source of their entertainment and information, and additionally a channel for purchasing goods …

Top 11 Mobile App Development Companies & Agencies in the USA

An excellent idea is not enough for a user-friendly mobile app. You need to work with a talented mobile app development company or agency to differentiate yourself from the crowd. In today’s world, we’re addicted to our mobile phones and hundreds of mobile apps popping up in front of us every day. Maybe you’re struggling …

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Social Media App?

Social media has become a habitual thing for a while now, but it has only recently become an integral part of it. Every day, millions of people around the world check their cell phones first thing in the morning, many times along the day, and the last thing before they go to back to sleep. …

8 Reasons Why Mobile Apps Are Better Than Mobile Websites In 2019

Long-reigning king desktop is dethroned and the mobile era is ushered. As of this year, the global mobile population amounts to 3.7 billion and by 2020, we will reach the 4 billion watermarks. Amidst the surge, mobile app market is growing exponentially. In the wake of it, businesses are faced with a dilemma whether to …

How To Build Your App’s User Base – Start Local

Many founders want their app to be a global sensation from the day it launches. When you believe you’re onto a good thing, it seems limiting to hide it from the rest of the world while you focus on one small market. We understand the appeal of going big from the beginning, but if you …

So You Have An App Idea – Now What?

The lightbulb moment has occurred, and you’ve got the winning idea for an app. Now, what do you do? Let’s assume you don’t have the resources to develop it yourself and you need to outsource; engage with an agency. How do you know who to choose and what you need to bring to the table? …

10 Things to know About App Store Ad Campaign Setup

According to Business Insider, the ad revenue generated for app installations is projected to be $6.1 billion by the end of 2017 and will grow to $6.8 by 2019. The competition is increasing and you should plan your app store campaign carefully. This year alone, Statista shows there were over 224 million mobile apps downloaded …

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