Burger King Makes It To The Duct Tape Trend And Makes Fun Of Maurizio Cattelan’s $120,000 Banana

Maurizio Cattelan revealed his latest creation at Art Basel in Miami—a banana duct-taped to a wall with the asking price of $120,000.

Then, Burger King France makes fun of Maurizio Cattelan’s latest work, complete with a theatrical blow from another situationist artist, David Datuna, who actually ate it. In his visual from the agency Buzzman Paris, BK compares the work and its astronomical price to one of its chips. Sold at a fraction of the price, but with infinite extra satisfaction.

Called “Careful what you swallow”, the campaign shows the world’s most expensive piece of fruit compared to one of Burger King’s very own fries.

Here are some examples for the #CattelanBananaChallange:



michelgaubert-tape-burger-kingMichel Gaulbert


dazed-fashion-cattelan-banana-challengeDazed Fashion

Ever-agile marketer Burger King has now jumped into the conversation promoting its own piece, a French fry taped to a wall—but it will leave the eater only one euro cent poorer.

The agency also recently responsible for BK’s typo-ridden campaign and another that intentionally failed to tell consumers where the nearest restaurant was.

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