by DAN members

Explore what DAN member agencies are saying about DAN.

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Here you will read some quotations taken from the Q&A sessions we have had with our member agencies.

Miles Sellyn President at Major Tom

DAN provides additional high-quality exposure through our profile and shared content across their social channels and most importantly, has provided us with quality leads that have helped to grow our business. They're a proactive, considerate partner!

Brian Byer Vice President, GM at Blue Fountain Media

DAN has been a great long term partner for us. I wish all of our partners were so proactive and provided us with as many opportunities for growth as DAN.

Jon Martin Technical Director at Hallam

DAN supports our brand awareness objectives!

Tami Iseli Marketing Manager at Luminary

Being a member of DAN enables us to reach an audience that we otherwise might not have access to. It also gives us a platform to showcase who we are and what we’re all about.

Michael Gaizutis Founder & CXO at RNO1

Being a DAN member allows us to reach a unique audience and base: one that is extremely intelligent, progressive, forward-thinking and invested in success aligned with a digital partner. We feel DAN is hyper-connected to a global (digital) community of fellow thinkers and makers, those that appreciate great design and digital experience. Those who want to work with partners that “get it” and will settle for nothing less than being a true partner and team extension. And since that’s who we are, and how we function best, it perfectly aligns.

Danilo Sierra Founder & Project Lead at Mimosa

We consider DAN one of our closest partners and best lifelines. We are extremely proud of collaborating with you since 2016 and definitely feel treated and respected like a family. Belonging to DAN is definitely a privilege.

Tony NG Founder and Creative Director at DigiSalad

As a DAN member, we received a lot of website traffic from DAN Website and we gained sales opportunities from potential clients. Also, it is a good channel for us for brand awareness.

Amy Crawford Office Manager at We Discover

DAN has given us a platform to showcase our agency and share who we are to a broader audience. Our membership has resulted in more conversations and opportunities as well as increased website traffic and quality leads.

Harry Brace Senior Web Analytics Specialist at Impression

DAN gives us a great platform for sharing and showcasing our agency's results and skillsets.

Kevin Fidler Sales Manager at NuStream

DAN helps us get our name known to many more people. Our partnership has been beneficial by generating leads and increasing the visibility of our company.

Fran Hale VP Sales & Marketing at Brave Bison (EMEA)

Being a DAN member has allowed us to gain and share important industry insights whilst engaging with and learning from peers. Through DAN we can connect with relevant and engaged audiences and showcase our vast portfolio of work with ease!

Lindsay Smith CEO at Massive Media

Digital Agency Network is Massive's Bat-Signal to the world. It sends similarly motivated businesses and people our way, so we can focus on doing what we do best —the work.

Mark Mcintyre Co-Founder at MaxAudience

DAN constantly connects us with businesses that have a need and are willing to take it seriously enough to solve it.

Aleksandra Matwiejczyk Marketing Manager at KOTA

This partnership definitely helps us generate more quality leads, last year it generated about 13% of our leads in total. I believe DAN membership is also one of the factors that reassure our potential clients about the quality of our services and recognition within the creative industry.

We’re currently expanding our services into the US and DAN has helped us establish our agency overseas.

Rakefet Yacoby-From CMO at Mayple

We love being a DAN member. It helps us bring our name to the most relevant businesses and be part of a community of highly successful digital agencies in each area.

Aaron Dicks Managing Director at Impression

DAN is a trusted resource for brand-side marketers looking to partner with the best agencies out there, and we're proud to be listed and featured as one of them.

Nick Rappolt CEO at Beyond

Being a member of DAN has really helped us connect with the design and agency community. It’s also made it easier for people who may not have been familiar with our work or our agency to discover us.

Lysanne Louter Co-Founder & Creative Director at Fluency Digital

DAN has solidified our reputation as an industry leader and helped us generate website traffic and high-quality leads.

Mattan Danino Founder & CEO at WEBITMD

We've been partnered with DAN for 5+ years. It's been great to share content with the community, interact with DAN staff and be a part of the growing world of digital marketing & sales.

We love it and DAN is a leader in the space.

Charney Weiss Director of Social Media at 9thWonder

DAN connects us with customers specifically looking for the skills our agency brings to the table.

Stella Tsokeva Digital Marketing Strategist at eDesign Interactive

We are a recent member of DAN’s online media space and enjoy being part of the platform. We see very good SEO returns and website traffic coming from DAN’s website.

Sandy Fleischer Managing Partner at Pound & Grain

Now more than ever, we are reliant on staying connected with the community, and we’ve found that DAN helps us do just that. It connects us to potential customers, talent, and even virtual events.

Adam Griffith Managing Director at Luminary

DAN has given us the opportunity to reach a wider audience to share our story. It also gives us the opportunity to present Luminary along with some of the best agencies in the world, and to be part of the community that comes along with that.

Steve Clark Head of Digital Growth at Tangent

DAN is incredibly useful for us as it keeps us front of mind for when businesses need to make that all-important decision of choosing an agency. We get a good proportion of our monthly traffic coming from DAN and the leads are always high-quality.

Richard Trigg Experience Design Director at Tangent

DAN brings high-quality traffic to our site each month. Not only do we get great leads, but we also use DAN's other editorial features to stay on top of industry news and trends.

Lily Keating Digital Projects Director at Emote Digital

Being a DAN member allows us to remain connected to the Digital Agency community and increases our exposure.

7 Regions

115 Cities

Member Agencies

Monthly Visits


7 Regions


78 Cities

Miraj Mandal Head of Performance Media at First Page Digital Singapore

DAN provides relevant information about the agency & also provides updates like Best tools for Digital marketers.

Julio Taylor CEO at Hallam

We're very proud of our place within the agency landscape. I think being a member of DAN is a big part of how we work.

Siobhan Graham Content Specialist at DIJGTAL

Being a DAN member contributes to DIJGTAL’s success as it helps to drive a significant amount of inbound requests for the business, especially in North America. This is particularly important, as we are in the midst of expanding our arm in North America and would like to have more of a presence in that market.

Chloe Fair Senior SEO Strategist at Impression Digital

DAN gives us the ability to showcase our work, share our news and opinions and even recruit new talent proving it to be very valuable to us as an agency. We're pleased to be listed among many other world leaders in the digital marketing industry.

Andrew Whitehead Creative & Managing Director at Devotion

DAN is a well-respected and trusted source for many of our existing and also prospective clients. While it’s still growing in reputation and influence in Australia, its strength internationally is of great benefit, driving traffic and enquiries.

Ben Wheelhouse Digital Advertising Director at Emote Digital

We love that people trust the DAN network, and we see it from the traffic driven to our site. It also allows us another avenue outside of typical marketing channels to talk to our target market about what we are up to, and any new updates to our offering they should be aware of. It gives us an additional place outside of digital marketing platforms to gain exposure and credibility for our brand. Using our DAN profile and articles in our sales process is a great addition.

Seth Geoffrion Founder & Managing Director at Vrrb

DAN has helped us connect with wonderful clients, and learn from our industry peers through the articles and other content shared on the site. Thank you!

Mark Nickson Managing Partner at DIJGTAL

Having a platform to help agencies market their brand is great, but add in the global element of DAN and how it helps a brand establish their international presence, I think is what’s been a real positive for us. It acts as a consolidated portal to help us position our brand based on location, presence and audience.

I also appreciate how DAN and their content writers take a proactive approach to the industry, and how they identify specific areas of expertise or opportunity to communicate and spread the word for their listed agencies.

They do so in a balanced and unbiased manner which I think generates a level of trust and authenticity around the platform. There’s so much more potential for DAN, and I’m excited to see where they’ll be in the next 12 months and how this can further help us at DIJGTAL.

Marcel Sobieski Founder at Mobiteam

We are glad and grateful that you are part of this together with us and many others. Mobiteam appreciates your efforts to help the industry and many people involved in it. In response, we hope to return everything with what we can. We look forward to our further cooperation and why not, having a good beer here in Berlin at a terrace full of people. 🙂

Bethany Rathbone SEO Team Lead at Digital Uncut

We get quality leads through our profile on DAN.

Tom Jarvis CEO at Wilderness Agency

DAN have been a great partner and the site delivers leads every month.

Will Turner Director, Digital Production & Operations at DIJGTAL

DAN is a great source of information for what's happening in digital marketing. It provides our team with access to a lot of relevant and useful content across a range of industries. It's also a great resource for us in terms of global brand exposure.

Vincent Mazza Managing Partner at eDesign Interactive

eDesign is a recent member of DAN. We enjoy being part of the platform and see good website traffic referrals.

Sergiu Tabaran eCommerce Specialist & COO at Absolute Web

DAN is a great resource for companies looking for agencies that fit their culture and requirements. For Absolute Web, DAN is a place where we can share the latest important news about our agency, post-career opportunities and let other companies know more about us when looking for an agency to hire.

Becky Carré Head of Paid Media at Evoluted

Being a DAN member provides Evoluted with enhanced visibility within the UK agency ecosystem. It’s an additional platform to showcase our expertise, publish amongst our peers, and be seen by potential clients who find or use DAN during their search.

We also use DAN to recruit new talent, which has been especially important while Evoluted is going through a period of growth in our digital marketing arm. Our geographical location means we have access to some fantastic digital talent in the north of England and DAN has really helped us reach those people.

Joyce Ko Digital Content Manager at Digital Business Lab

We have the opportunities to explore and collaborate many of Asia's most exciting industries and a wide range of B2C, B2B, B2G & listed companies’ clients, from art & cultural activities, FMCG, luxury, art, automobile to 2021-trending start-ups in blockchain, consumer electronics, eLearning, etc.

For the upcoming period, our road map is bright to accelerate our ongoing evolution journey and stay close to different cultures of our growing client base and expand Digital Business Lab’s footprint!

Chandni Kothari Associate Director at Croud

Being a member of DAN has allowed Croud to offer our thoughts and engage in insightful conversations with a great community of digital experts. It’s given us the opportunity to share our thoughts and ideas, while also learning from others across the industry.

Sam Martin-Ross Managing Director at Digital Uncut

DAN has contributed to our success so far in at least two ways. Firstly, the network is great for knowledge sharing, which is incredibly important in digital given how fast-paced change is. Additionally, it gives us exposure that we'd otherwise find hard to get.

Tommy Wilson SEO Account Executive at Evoluted

Being a DAN member provides Evoluted with enhanced visibility within the UK agency environment, providing an additional platform to showcase our expertise, publish amongst our peers and recruit talent across all digital sectors. Evoluted also advertise as a DAN member, securing top ad placements to reach prospective new clients in relevant geographies who reach the DAN website through search.

Sarah Neblett-Lindo Global HR Director at Croud

Through our membership with DAN, Croud has had a number of opportunities to shout about our hard-working, passionate team and the amazing work they’re delivering. Employees across our business have been able to position themselves as thought leaders within the industry, allowing them to share their unique ideas with other digital experts. DAN allows us to share Croud’s voice and be a part of an amazing community of marketers.

Chris Mchugh CEO at Sitback

DAN has helped us to remain visible through this difficult time. By showcasing our company, both through our agency listing, but also through our content partnership, DAN are helping people discover our services across the world, and enabling us to have meaningful conversations with organisations that need human-centred, strategic and pragmatic solutions to their business challenges.

Robert Tadros CEO / Founder at Impressive

We pick up a lot of leads through our DAN membership. We can track the source of leads and we get a fair bit of attraction from DAN. So it's great for awareness and lead generation.

Neron Meiler The Digital Media Specialist & CEO at Screen Media Group

In terms of exposure and credibility, DAN network has been positive to our brand recognition. This is our third year participating and the benefits are many. Apart from articles that we have written and this interview, been part and have recognition from your industry is of great value.

Caroline Campbell Executive Vice President & Managing Director at Brave Bison (JAPAC)

Being a DAN member allows us to connect to audiences that are relevant to Brave Bison, sharing valuable case studies and industry insights in a forum that is meaningful. We have had many positive conversations with partners using our DAN membership as a marketing platform.

Stephen Saulpaugh Marketing Manager at Ruckus

The partnership helps us stand out and provides targeted prospects that help with our new business efforts. We look forward to continuing the partnership into the future!

Connor Borrowdale Client Engagement Manager at Massive Media

DAN helps us find quality client partnerships and helps attract talent.

Elliot Haines Head of SEO at Hallam

We get a good number of SQLs and customers from DAN. It provides a great channel for us to showcase our services and connect with potential customers.

Benjamin Boehm Marketing Director at NuStream

By utilizing the reach and connections of DAN, we're able to broaden our area of focus from the locations around our different offices and get exposure nationwide. Clients are able to see that we're working with other companies with a good reputation and large audience, so being prominent on a site like DAN gives us the chance to show more people what we can do for them.

John Curley SEO Specialist at 9thWonder

Looking forward to the upcoming courses, and training programs. We also value the exposure and traffic brought to us from being listed on the site.

Alex Lyle Search Engine Advertising Specialist at Emote Digital

DAN contributes to our agency's success by providing increased awareness of our agency and our services.

Elizabeth Baggan Senior SEO Manager at Croud

Being a part of the DAN community has allowed Croud to position ourselves as thought leaders alongside so many other inspiring individuals across the industry. It’s been incredibly rewarding to be able to share our insights on so many key topics in digital marketing.

Sarah Quek Content Marketing Team Lead at First Page Digital Singapore

It gives me the opportunity to learn from other likeminded marketers and contribute to ongoing discussions.

Kevin Van Digital Optimisation Specialist at DIJGTAL

Being a DAN member helps to spread the message about the quality of the work we all adhere to. It's encouraging to see a high level of interest in our services, especially in North America where we have ambitions to scale and expand.

Pat Bechtel SEO and Copywriting Specialist at NuStream

Being a DAN member helps us stay up-to-date with all the latest news in the digital marketing industry. Also, it helps get the word out about NuStream.

Johnny Craston PPC Team Lead at Digital Uncut

It is a great way to meet new clients and publicise our work.

Gabriel Shaoolian Founder at Digital Silk

Simply put, DAN is a good lead source.

Still not a DAN Member?

List your agency among the leaders of the industry, promote your work, create original content, find new team members and keep up with digital marketing events.