Inspiring Social Media Case Studies from Reputable Brands and Digital Agencies

Brands are more than their products in today’s digital world. Memorable brands are the ones who know how to engage with their target audience effectively through their social media channels. In this article, we have curated the best social media case studies of all times.

Being on all the social media platforms is not necessary; however, it is important to be successful if you exist in one. There are a lot of brands inspiring us with their effective social media strategies. They are powerful enough to start a movement, raise awareness and change the way people think or buy.

Almost 4 billion people are using social media today worldwide. That fact clearly shows how a huge potential there is to reach out to your buyer persona.

Social media marketing services comprise organic social media, paid social media, community management, social listening, feed-based / dynamic ads, Facebook ads, Twitter ads, LinkedIn ads, Snapchat ads, Tiktok ads, Reddit ads, Quora ads and so on.

Effective social media case studies come from either an experienced social media marketing agency or a very successful in-house social media team of famous brands. It is not easy, but so effective that you shouldn’t neglect.

In this article, I have gathered the best social media marketing case studies by both brands and agencies to inspire your upcoming work.

What are the top social media marketing agencies with the most effective case studies?

  • The Good Marketer
  • First Page Digital
  • LOOP

The Good Marketer

The Good Marketer is a London-based digital marketing agency which drives more traffic, generates conversions and increases sales for small-to-medium sized businesses.

They have a lot of successful social media case studies on their websites. Due to limited space here, we will only share one of their recent social media campaigns with The House Outfit. The Good Marketer helped them to grow their brand during the pandemic. They generated over £50,000 in sales per month from Facebook & Instagram and 1000 purchases directly from their ads campaigns. Apart from achieving an average Facebook ROAS of 5.45 over three months, they also launched the brand on Google & Pinterest.

If you want to contact them and get more information before creating your social media campaign, you can reach out to them through their website.

First Page Digital

There are First Page Digital HK and First Page Digital SG. They both have stunning social media case studies with great brands.

You can explore their websites for more case studies; however, we will share one of them for each here. As for First Page Digital HK, one of their recent social media case studies is with Soho East Restaurants. With their social media campaign, they have reached a 125% increase in page views, a 428% increase in post engagements and a 1300% increase in page likes.

First Page Digital SG has had a recent social media case study with Healing Touch Spa. An award-winning spa in Singapore, Healing Touch Spa, had a 270% increase in Facebook post engagements, a 127% increase in Facebook page likes and a 225% increase in leads conversion.


LOOP is a fully charged digital agency that explores the intersections between design, digital technology and content marketing for leading brands. They have offices in New York, Sydney, Berlin and Copenhagen.

LOOP has worked with a lot of famous brands through social media case studies. My favorite one between those is their influencer marketing campaign with PUMA. They actually have run more than one case study with them. We will be focusing on the one with PUMA and Usain Bolt.

As a human being, we can be attracted by the brands which are preferred by the people we admire, just like Usain Bolt. In LOOP’s social media case study with PUMA and Usain Bolt, they let Usain Bolt tell his story in his point of view. We can, of course, find a lot of articles explaining his background, achievements etc. However, they can never be as effective as Usain Bolt’s own words.

With this social media campaign, PUMA has reached 4.7 million views and 828,000 engagement with 41.2 million total reach. You can check LOOP’s website to see the full case study and get information to work with them for your social media campaigns.

What are the most effective social media marketing case studies by reputable brands?

  • Apple
  • Starbucks
  • Disney
  • Always
  • Airbnb
  • Nescafé
  • Tesla & Elon Musk

Apple | Shot on IPhone

With no doubt, Apple is very fast and effective when it comes to social media marketing. Their case studies are leading the industry.

With their social media case study #ShotOnIphone, millions of pictures and videos are shared on social media platforms.

It clearly shows that people do not need other cameras to take pictures or videos as long as they have their iPhones with them.

This campaign is not only followed by the general public, but also by the famous singers and bands such as Selena Gomez and Florence + The Machine. Some singers took their videoclips with an iPhone whereas some of them have used an iPhone on their concert tours in the world.

This campaign has been used in all the social media platforms. However, as it is more related to taking pictures and videos, of course, the hashtags are more common on Instagram.

If you just scroll down your Instagram feed, we promise that you will see a lot of pictures with the hashtag #shotoniphone, which indicates this social media case study is known by the world.

Starbucks | #WhatsYourName

Starbucks is remembered by its successful social media campaign to support transgender and gender-diverse youth on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and traditional advertising.

Brands will be memorable with where they stand for the social phenomena. In this social media case study, Starbucks UK partnered with Mermaids to understand the gender-diverse youth better and create a way to support them.

If you buy and post photos of your mermaid tail cookie with the campaign hashtag, you help to raise funds for Mermaids.

The video on YouTube explains it all:

Disney | Share your ears

Celebrating 90 years of Mickey Mouse, Disney created a social media campaign with the hashtag #ShareYourEars on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For every photo shared with the hashtag, Mickey Mouse donated $5 to Make-A-Wish®.

Make-A-Wish® is a nonprofit organization helping to fulfill the wishes of children with a critical illness. At the end of the case study, Disney donated $2 million to the organization.

This has been one of the greatest social media case studies of all times with 1.77 million photos shared and 420 million social media impressions.


Always | #LikeAGirl

Equality of the sexes is another controversial phenomenon in the world. It has been placed in the cultures and languages so strongly that sometimes we don’t even realize how sexist we might sound.

“Like a girl” is a phrase in English and many more other languages, which is mostly used as an insult to women. Always definitely raised awareness for this subject with their social media case study #LikeAGirl. I promise if you watch the video below, you will be more careful with the expressions, idioms and phrases you say or hear in your daily life:

Airbnb | We accept

There are different ways to use social media effectively. It can depend on the brands, target audience, brand culture and identity. Some brands might prefer to speak up for a social phenomenon whereas some prefer to stay silent and unbiased.

There can be some situations where you are expected to explain something, for example, if your company or a branch of your brand is accused of something. What you say/share there is very critical which can affect the life of your business.

Airbnb was accused of discrimination in 2016, which they answered with their “Community Commitment”. After a few months, the US banned travel to some countries with a Muslim majority. That has created a chance for Airbnb to create a social media case study, #WeAccept. This successful campaign has reached over 87 million impressions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Doubtlessly, they handled this critical situation really well with their video below:

Nescafé | Really Friends?

You might not be using Facebook now as much as you used to do. However, Facebook can be still a powerful platform for your social media campaigns depending on your target audience.

Our Facebook friends can be from our childhood, the neighbourhood we used to live 20-30 years ago, a friend circle who we are not in touch with any more, etc. Sometimes, when we scroll down in Facebook feed, we don’t feel so close to some of these old friends. Regardless of their age, I’m sure everyone feels the same way every now and then.

With this fact in mind, Nescafé France ran a successful social media case study on Facebook, which is their biggest platform.

This video is an example of emphasizing with your buyer persona and affecting them emotionally so that they feel attached to your brand:

Tesla & Elon Musk

Tesla is a leading brand for electric vehicles. We might not know the CEOs of similar companies; however, the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk is known by people all around the world. Considering the way he is using social media, we can even say that he is an influencer.

Tesla’s social media marketing way is going to be a little different from what we have discussed in the other examples above. The reason is below:


Not something usual, huh? Although Elon Musk has preferred to delete his official Instagram account with 8 million followers two years ago, he is still actively using Twitter.

When there is a new product launch or an update regarding one of their services, Elon Musk shares some spoilers on his social media – before Tesla announces it officially. His followers are very interactive which also shows a successful social media engagement case study as a brand.

Tesla doesn’t even need to do influencer marketing as its CEO is already a powerful influencer who has dedicated followers for the brand.

Hope you have enjoyed reading our article. If you are interested in creating effective social media case studies for your business, you can check our list and work with a social media marketing agency. We also have a campaign page if you want to be inspired by other social media campaign ideas.

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