Julio Taylor

Julio is Hallam’s CEO, providing strategic leadership across Hallam to develop excellence in full service digital marketing delivery. Formerly Creative Director, Julio has specialist knowledge of User Experience (UX), design, and strategy. He started designing and building websites in the late 90s, hacking together Geocities websites, frames, and table layouts. After studying Computer Science, he worked as a software developer in the oil industry and public sector, before coming back to digital and web in 2009. Along with Jon Martin, he founded BigSpring, which grew into a highly regarded web agency with a reputation for delivering quality digital experiences. Following several years of collaborative work, BigSpring merged with Hallam in 2017. During the mighty ’00s, Julio also played guitar and vocals for Illuminatus, Nottingham’s alternative rock anti-heroes.

NEWS | Agency Life

Hallam Explains Why The Office Isn’t Dead

After the pandemic sped up the move to remote working, many businesses will no doubt be weighing up whether it’s “worth” having a physical location. While some have been quick to declare the “death of the office”, others have stated that we can’t be truly productive “at home”. The truth isn’t that simple. Here at …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

The Dawn of the Age of Trust and the Death of the Cookie Era

Last week, internet giants Google officially declared the death of the Cookie Age, as they announced they’ll be fully eliminating the use of third-party tracking cookies over the next year. This is undoubtedly good news for internet users, but what does it mean for brands and agencies? Among many things, the Death of the Cookie …

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