Why Should Every Digital Marketer Use a SERP Checker Tool?

Content is king rings true as much today as it did 10 years ago. Using informative, top-quality content to answer searchers’ queries is still the top strategy for achieving search engines’ visibility. 

If you think just writing a post about your product or service, publishing it on your site, and hoping for the best is the way it works, think again! This is not a strategy. Digital marketers who want their website to rank highly consistently should be using a SERP checker tool. 

There is a myriad of benefits to using a SERP checker for your site. Tools such as Zutrix help you analyze your website’s performance and positioning on search engines. This article will help you understand on a deeper level why digital marketers should be using a SERP checker tool. 

What Is SERP and Why Is SERP Important? 

SERP stands for search engine results pages. These are the pages shown to a user when they type a query into a search engine such as Google.

SERPs are integral to any business that has an online presence. The higher up in the SERPs your business shows, the more likely a potential customer will find you. 

Knowing how to improve the results of your page in search results can be tough work. This is where a tool that analyzes your page becomes your best friend.

SEO tools such as Zutrix show you how you weigh up next to your competitors, give you ideas for which SEO strategy to follow, and works as a rank tracker. This enables you to monitor the performance of your SEO efforts.

Reasons Digital Marketers should use a SERP Checker Tool

A SERP checker tool helps you get an in-depth understanding of which keywords your site is currently ranking for. It will also give you metrics on search volumes and keyword difficulty. 

To Identify Keywords

Perhaps there is a keyword in your niche that you have overlooked and aren’t including on your website. A SERP checker tool will flag that keyword and show the difficulty of ranking for said keyword.

A checker tool will also allow you to see the long-tail keywords (search terms which typically use 3-4 words) most relevant for your niche or industry. Using long term keywords in your content is crucial to SEO success. Why? They are much more likely to convert than a broad or very general term. 

Why? The short answer is search intent. Never underestimate how important it is to consider the reason someone is searching. A user who types something very specific into a search engine is trying to answer a particular question or has a certain need.

It is probable they will be looking to sign up for a service or make a purchase. An example of 2 searches: 
“where to buy a car near me”
“info on cars”

The first user is much more likely to be looking to buy a car than someone who is searching for generic information about cars.

When creating content, your primary goal should be to answer the question the person landing on your page is looking to have answered. A SERP checker can ensure you know which questions people are looking to have answered. 

If you know what people are searching for, you can ensure you answer those questions more thoroughly than your competitors.

This encourages people to stay on your page when they click through to it from a search engine. You will have a low bounce rate. In turn, this will help Google know you are an authority on a topic. 

Analyzing Competitors 

SERP checker tools are also important to help you understand and analyze your competitors. Maybe you have a competitor who consistently ranks higher than you for a search term you want to rank for.

A checker tool will show you where they get their traffic from, which keywords are working best for them, as well as their domain authority, Z-Rating, and CTR (click-through rate). 

Having visibility on CTR is important because your competitor may be ranking highly for a certain keyword but not compelling people to click on their site. Checker tools can give you suggestions on how to outrank the competitors. 

Understanding the domain authority of your competitors is paramount to SEO success. This allows you to see how much Google trusts them and why they rank where they do. Having high domain authorities linking back to your website increases your domain authority. 

A SERP checker tool will help you see where your competitors are getting their backlinks and give you inspiration about where to get yours. There are multiple techniques you can use to secure a backlink from a high domain authority site.

Local SERP

Searches are location-specific; you may rank highly in one region for a search term and not at all in another. It is important to consider the country or region you want clients to find you when developing your SEO strategy. SERP checkers can help you analyze which keywords are good for your business and the regions you wish to serve.

Start Improving Your Search Performance Now

You wouldn’t make a cake without looking at the quantities in a recipe, so why create content without knowing the questions people need to be answered.

Having the keyword and search volume knowledge before you start creating content is invaluable to search engine success. 

SERPs are not set in stone and constantly fluctuate. Using a SERP tracking tool will give you real-time updates, accurate metrics, as well as suggestions to improve your position.

What are you waiting for? Start growing your digital business today using a SERP checker tool that uses AI-powered accuracy to enhance your SEO results. 

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