7 Most Common E-Commerce Web Design Myths Debunked

E-commerce web design myths cause many businesses to make the wrong decisions. The wealth of information available on the internet often creates a sense of panic with business owners.

They fear they invested poorly or executed an ineffective marketing strategy when they begin to read some of the common web design myths online. The truth is that there are many e-commerce web design myths on the internet, and they hold no value when it comes to business success.

The best way to ensure your business uses the most effective web design is to identify common e-commerce web design myths and create a strategy that puts long-established, well-researched practices into place.

Experienced agencies like BragDeal identifies common web design myths to reassure clients that they are on the path towards the most effective web design for their business success.

The best way to instill confidence in your clients is to give them relevant information to answer their questions. When you reinforce your facts with solid proof that their marketing strategy is the best for their unique business, you create a sense of trust that businesses need.

Since many clients ask about common myths they hear while networking or see online, it’s important to educate yourself on these topics and provide your clients with well-researched information on the most commonly asked questions about web design.

Common E-Commerce Web Design Myths

Let’s take a look at the most common e-commerce web design myths and shed light on reality. You’ll have the confidence to make the right marketing decisions for your business.

Myth 1: Social media creates brand recognition, but does not convert customers.

Proper web design is not the “be all, end all” of your business success. While many people believe that social media is just a platform to get your business name out into the world, there is much more to social media than just brand recognition. Your social media engagement holds a great deal of power when it comes to your business profits.

In recent years, social media transformed to what can be considered a sales platform. Social media marketing gives your business enhanced profitability. SMM investments, like Facebook advertising, prove that there is money to be made through your social media engagement. Social media is more than brand recognition today. It provides an opportunity for your business to increase your customer base, make sales, and enhance the overall success of your brand.

Myth 2: Profit and revenue are the only metrics you should watch when you analyze your business.

While you want to see your business profits grow, and your annual revenue steadily increase, profit and revenue aren’t the only measures of your website’s success. When it comes to effective e-commerce web design, you need to look at the bigger picture.

An effective online presence brings in potential growth measurements from many different areas of your analytics. If you want to analyze your business, and evaluate growth, you need to look beyond profit and revenue. Other areas to take into consideration are conversion rates, website traffic, asset values, and social media engagement.

When you track, measure, and analyze these areas of your e-commerce store, you evaluate your business’ overall worth and properly visualize your business’ growth potential.

Myth 3: Your website should be the major focus of all your marketing strategies.

It’s difficult to look beyond your website when it comes to marketing online. This is mostly due to the fact that digital marketing and web design companies push the importance of effective web design and quality graphic design.

While these elements of your online presence are absolutely crucial to your online success, they are only part of the bigger picture.

Today’s business success is measured best when you create an overall brand experience that is delivered to viewers across multiple online platforms. There are so many different ways you can market your products and services. If you primarily stick to your website for your marketing strategy, you limit your growth potential.

To find your greatest success online, you need to use your social media presence, mailing lists, PPC campaigns, content marketing strategies, and other online advertising outlets to get your brand in front of the greatest number of customers. Only then will you give your business the chance to reach its full online potential.

Myth 4: Email marketing is ineffective.

Although many people think e-mail marketing is a thing of the past, it is alive and well. E-mail continues to evolve as the greatest form of communication and connection in the business world. The power of e-mail touches both commercial and personal levels.

You should use e-mail marketing to deliver relevant content to your customers and potential customers. It is your most effective, most direct link to your customers. When you deliver quality content with captivating graphic design, you can create an e-mail marketing strategy that converts viewers to lifelong customers.

Myth 5: Business success is measured by the amount of followers you have.

While it is true that high traffic and a large group of followers is good for your business, your success is not measured solely on the amount of traffic your website draws. The most effective way to build revenue from your website traffic is to ensure that you target the right audience.

Anyone can go look around on your website, but will they purchase your products and services? If you do not target the type of customer that will likely invest in your products, your large number of viewers or followers brings no value to your business.

The goal of all e-commerce web design agencies is to deliver an online presence that creates a quality user experience while it converts viewers into customers. You put a lot of money into web design, brand marketing, product innovation, and customer service, and you deserve the best return on your investment.

It’s important to build your brand and create a great brand reputation, but you also need to put your products and services in front of the type of audience that is going to purchase them. Higher numbers don’t guarantee that.

When you ensure you identify the right target audience and deliver effective e-commerce web design to that audience, you will see the greatest return on your investment and watch your business grow exponentially.

Myth 6: Going viral is the best indicator of business success.

It seems today that individuals worldwide have a common goal to go viral. While going viral delivers a great opportunity to build awareness for your brand, it is not the only indicator of business success. And, in most cases, it won’t bring you as much success as you would think.

When businesses go viral there are two solid reasons this doesn’t mean you’ve found the key to your greatest business success. The first reason is you aren’t sure why your business has gone viral. It might not be your products or services, it might simply be a great advertisement, funny picture, or engaging video that actually went viral.

In this case, your business might even get overlooked. The second reason is that most cases of businesses going viral fade very quickly. Think 15 minutes of fame!


Self-promotion is important, but it is something you need to work at consistently. The greatest success does not come from a quick fix of self-promotion if your business goes viral. Just because a large number of social media influencers share your most recent post doesn’t mean you will see paying customers knocking down your doors.

Shareable content is a great asset to your business, but it is not your key performance indicator and should not be measured as such.

Myth 7: High-quality products and services market themselves and don’t need web design or digital marketing investments.

It is absolutely great when businesses create products or services that are highly marketable and have a high demand. But, just because you have a great product does not mean you don’t need effective web design, a quality marketing strategy, and other tools to promote your brand.

Even the most profitable businesses continue to market their products and services. Just think how many advertisements you see for Apple, Ford, or Amazon.

Marketing and advertising are part of the business that will always be a necessary investment. It is important to continually communicate what your business plans to do next. Customers want to hear about your latest products.

Sometimes the best way to advertise a new product is to build suspense before its release. Think about the lines of customers who sleep outside of Apple stores when the next tech product is due for release.

Even high quality products and services need a strong marketing strategy, product promotion, and innovative web design to ensure their continued success. If you want real business success, you need to pour effort into your products and services regardless of how great they are.

While we’re sure there are several more myths on the internet when it comes to e-commerce web design, we hope you can learn from the common myths we listed above.

Remember, web design is crucial to your business success, but there are many other ways to optimize your business. Use your social media to enhance your brand. Look beyond profit and revenue when you measure business success.

Reach greater success when you create a marketing strategy that uses every available option to make your brand visible. Make sure you target the right audience. Continue to invest in your products and services, even when they are already in high demand and of great quality.

The more you show your customers that you value your business, the more they will follow in your footsteps. And there is great success to be found when you create a high value for your business amongst a group of lifelong customers.

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