How to Create the Perfect Landing Page for Your Business in 2021

A landing page is a commonly used marketing term for the first page that users land on when they click a link from external sources, such as an advertisement or email. They click the link, taking them to a specifically created page with the intent of getting them to take action.

The goal for any business is to get the online users to then make a conversion, such as purchasing a product or filling out an enquiry form.

A landing page should stand out to visitors and be user-friendly. It needs to encourage and tell the visitor exactly what they should do next and allow it to be done in the easiest way possible. Customers who are engaged enough to want to contact you can still drop away if the contact forms are not easy to find, for example.

In this article, we’ll show you what elements to include and how to include them to create the perfect landing page that increases average session duration and maximizes conversions! Creating a landing page is such a beneficial way for any sized business to showcase its products/services to users, faster.

Engaging Headers

To start with, your landing page should have a clear header that is visible and legible. The header should say exactly what your unique selling point is for the product or service you are offering, this should include something short but catchy, could be a relevant company slogan. After the header, it could be useful to include a sub-header to expand on what you are intending to do on the landing page and more about your business.

Take a look at our dedicated digital marketing agency for an example of how to achieve this. Link here.

Imagery, Video & Other Forms of Media

No one wants to see a webpage without visual elements. Many online users prefer to learn and interpret things visually in this modern day. This is why it is important that to create the perfect landing page, you incorporate imagery or video into the design.

A video should be short, to the point and engaging if used. It needs to represent what the landing page is about and tell a story from start to finish even if it is only 30 seconds long. Above all, the video needs to add value. Longer videos will lose the user’s attention span and could also be harmful to SEO if they don’t load properly or put a strain on the web page loading times due to size.

This goes without saying by now, but the imagery has to be relevant and look fitting wherever it is placed. Whether you decide to add an image at the side of some text or as a banner, that choice is down to you and what looks most appealing. Images need to be clear, correct sized and not too large otherwise the webpage may struggle to load them. If you try to stretch out a picture to use as a banner, the chances are it won’t look good and shouldn’t be used unless it fits properly. Don’t forget about image SEO.

Logo, Branding & Colours

As with every other webpage on your website, the web design should be similar in terms of logo placement and branding. Of course, on a high converting page you want to have your logo be seen. This increases brand awareness for the future. Your logo should be placed strategically, and branding should be consistent. This makes the page look more appealing for visitors and, consequently, more interesting.

If you consider your target audience of who you want to create those conversions and reach your landing page, you should bear this in mind when applying colour palettes and schemes along with text font.

CTAs & Conversion Points

Call to actions are powerful tactics used for conversion rate optimisation. They make users feel as though they should carry out a specific action. A call to action can be something such as, “Contact us today for a consultation.” Having CTAs across the landing page and directing the visitor where to go to contact or buy now will benefit your CRO. Don’t overdo it too much and plaster them in every sentence.

Conversion points are things such as buttons and enquiry forms that a user can fill in or click to contact, buy or enquire into your services/products. Conversion points should be big and visible on a landing page. Many landing pages tend to have a large enquiry form that fills one side of the page so that it is one of the first things people see when the page loads. This is all down to personal preference, but as long as the conversion points are visible and accessible that is all that matters.


These features are some of the most important things to include on a landing page if you want to encourage visitors to take action and be drawn towards your business. Other features such as general text should give brief but thorough information about your brand and what you offer.

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