DMT Partners With Fashion Giant Missy Empire for Digital Success

Digital Media Team took on Missy Empire’s paid advertising activity from the beginning of March 2021, offering paid social and PPC initially. On the PPC side, Digital Media Team was taking over from an in-house PPC Executive, so they were keen to showcase the benefits the agency side had to offer.

Missy Empire’s team came to Digital Media Team looking to break into new territories with Facebook ads, with the goal of achieving profitability in these new regions, specifically focusing on the United States and key areas across Europe.

The Client

Missy Empire is a large women’s fast-fashion retailer with a huge online presence. Founded by brothers Ash and Ish Siddique, the company began its journey in 2015.

After working for 15 years in the manufacturing trade within the heart of Manchester’s fashion district, the brothers wanted to branch out and launch their own brand. Driven by passion and experience, Ash and Ish have propelled Missy Empire to the forefront of the fast fashion industry, and today the brand is in a fantastic position.

The brand has succeeded by securing impressive endorsements from social media influencers, and has profited by the brothers’ manufacturing background, allowing them to launch products in just five to ten days – a crucial move in a fast-paced industry.

The brand has been taking great strides in a hugely competitive field, and recently launched their MissySport sub-brand, offering fashionable women’s gym wear.

The Challenge

PPC & Search

The current search structure was not geared towards accurate reporting on brand vs. non-brand customer acquisition campaigns. DMT implemented a search structure that reported accurately on these different campaign types – with the goal of finding a CPA that truly reflected new vs. returning customer acquisition.

Once the new structure was in place – Digital Media Team was able to gauge minimal levels of competition on Brand-related search queries – slowly phasing out this activity to pass on cost savings to the client. This really allowed them to ramp up activity on Google’s Shopping platform – with the focus on new customers.


Although Smart Bidding strategies were already in place on the account, which they would recommend, it did not adhere to best-practice as multiple overlaps between product groupings were skewing the data and not allowing campaigns to perform at best. This required a complete re-structure.

Digital Media Team did an in-depth review of product attributes to ensure that the information they were sending to Google was as accurate as possible to help with their campaign segmentation going forwards – enabling them to push best-performing product groups in line with seasonal changes which occur amongst all fashion brands.


Paid Social

Missy Empire came to Digital Media Team with already achieving great results on Facebook advertising, however were struggling to scale with their current setup. Furthermore, they struggled with the fact every time they adjusted creative their new ads would send their campaigns into the learning phase, increasing their CPMs and decreasing their ROAS.

However, being in the fast fashion industry, being able to change ad creative regularly to stay ahead of the competition is essential.

The Results

Digital Media Team initially reviewed the client’s advertising setup and identified key areas of improvement such as untapped audiences, finding quick wins to drive profitability from day one. They introduced a full-funnel system with little overlap, from Brand Awareness campaigns all the way through to key retention campaigns.

This allowed Digital Media Team to provide key creative for different users, generating a path to purchase for the user depending on what level of intent they showed when on the website.

Their Facebook advertising structure involved segmenting prospecting activity into four keys areas, targeting different audiences, and providing bespoke creativity for each. Next, they segmented the middle and bottom of the funnel into the level of user intent, allowing them to show users who had just viewed a product something completely different to users who had added a product to the cart but abandoned, generating a bespoke path to purchase.

Furthermore, Digital Media Team added retention campaigns to the mix which focused on Missy Empire’s already very loyal following, helping these users feel part of the Missy Empire community by offering specific discounts which increased the lifetime value of each user.

The introduction of ROI Hunter helped them combat the learning phase issue, allowing them to create a product set that dynamically pulled through best-selling products, trending products, and new-in products, which then filtered through to the ads.

By overlaying this with a ROI Hunter template and dynamic ad copy, it allowed them to completely change the products and theme of the creative/ad copy without sending their campaigns into the learning phase. This funnel allowed them to scale the account upwards of six-figure spends, with the aim to hit seven figures over Q4.

Results (MoM) 1st-19th April vs. 1st-19th March 2021

Paid Social

  • Spend: 55%+
  • Revenue: 45%+
  • ROAS: 12%+

PPC Results

  • Spend: +65%
  • Conversions: +55%
  • Revenue: +74%
  • ROAS: +5%

Learn more about Digital Media Team’s paid social services here and PPC services here.

About Digital Media Team

Digital Media Team specialises in paid advertising for eCommerce companies. Their partnership with Facebook ranks them in the top 5% of digital marketing agencies worldwide.

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