Catch Digital Improved Conversion Rate of Leisure Pass Group

Catch Digital used customer insights to prototype a new mobile experience, improving conversion rate and driving growth.

Each year over three million sightseers choose Leisure Pass Group (LPG) to gain discounted entry at some of the world’s top attractions, and their technology processes over 16 million attraction visits annually. They are hugely ambitious, actively growing in 1,000 attractions, 36 cities, 17 countries and 5 continents.

The Project Challenge of Catch Digital

A shift over time in users’ behaviour to purchase their products via mobile had left LPG’s GoCity product offering missing revenue opportunity with a significantly lower conversation rate than on their desktop experience.

Catch Digital’s challenge was to work closely with LPG to understand the customers current pain points on mobile, understand their buying mindsets, and devise ways of ensuring an increase in conversion rate, unlocking more revenue for the business.


Catch Digital’s Phased Experience Design Approach

Catch Digital needed to gain a deeper understanding of Go City’s audience and their experience of the current mobile customer journey in order to identify opportunities to increase mobile conversion. Catch Digital split their projects of this type into two distinct phases:

Phase 1 – Research, Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Go City’s Audience & the Opportunity

Research & Analysis

  • Market & Competitor Research
  • Heuristic Evaluation
  • VWO Surveys

Audience Research

  • User Interviews
  • Usability Testing

Research Synthesis

  • Persona Development
  • User Journey Development

Applying the Research

  • “How Might We” Statements
  • Starter Ideas
  • Quick Wins

Phase 2 – Design, Delivering on the Opportunities Presented in Phase 1

  • Prototyping starter ideas
  • User Testing prototypes
  • Iterating, validating, improving

Spotlight on: User Interviews

Catch Digital interviewed 16 people across their Target Audiences (Families, Couples). After reviewing transcripts and recording key findings, they affinity mapped to discover groupings of behaviour and attitudes.

From these user interviews, Catch Digital was able to form three Personas.

These Personas answer the question, “Who are we designing for?” and help align strategy and goals to specific user groups. This is not only useful for site design, but can also be used across broader business decisions.

Spotlight on: Usability Testing

After assessing the usability of the website in line with best practice, Catch Digital created a testing script designed to interrogate the conversion journey in more depth.

Catch Digital conducted usability testing in 7 face-to-face sessions in order to capture as much feedback on the site experience as possible. Participants used their own devices and were asked to complete a series of conversion related tasks as well as to provide their overall impression of the website.


By recording and quantifying their test results, they were able to define a hierarchy of the most severe usability issues.

Catch Digital highlighted five key issues with the highest Severity Scores to better inform their thinking about where they can make conversion rate improvements.

Spotlight on: User Journey Development

User journey maps are a visual representation of Catch’s research findings. Catch Digital created one for each of their personas to illustrate their different paths to conversion on mobile. They also included insight into their attitudes and behaviour during their experience to provide a better overall understanding of Catch’s users.

User Journeys help to flag moments that may be negatively impacting the user experience. Catch Digital uses these findings to inform our starter ideas for prototyping.

Applying the Research

Now Catch Digital was ready to combine their research findings into “How Might We” statements. Their ‘How Might We’ Statements for LPG are aimed at improving mobile conversions through the following goals:

  • How might we… Better educate users with the information needed to choose the best pass?
  • How might we… Reassure users throughout the purchase journey & alleviating stress?
  • How might we… Create a more personalised checkout experience for your users?

Catch Digital uses the extensive research carried out to inform and validate their initial How Might We Statement answers. They look at the data gathered from the site surveys, the heatmaps, market research and user interviews etc.

The output of this informed “starter ideas” to prioritise to take forward into prototyping and user testing.

An Aside: It’s Not All about the Big-Bang Functionality Improvements

Quick wins: When undertaking this level of deep-dive user research, as a secondary benefit, Catch Digital usually always uncovers ‘quick wins’ e.g. areas of the customer experience they’ve identified that can be improved, to aid conversation rate, with just a few simple tweaks.

In this project, Catch Digital was able to pull together a range of quick wins to brief LPG’s own in-house development team to add to their backlog, and get working right away on improving the customer experience and therefore the conversation rate.

Phase 2 – Prototyping + User Testing

Phase 2 is about delivering on the opportunities presented in Phase 1, and taking forward the starter ideas to prototype phase in order to test their viability + success in conversion rate optimisation on mobile.

In their Research Phase Catch Digital determined the main areas of opportunity for them to tackle, one such example was functionality to help the user choose the pass that best suits them.

Through their user interviews Catch Digital found a common anxiety around travel planning and making the “right” decisions, especially as both ‘cost savings’ and ‘a great experience’ were top priorities across all Personas, decisions were delegated to one person who would then text or email a link to their partner.

The Prototype Idea: “Help me choose”

Catch Digital would introduce an onboarding process that asks users to provide trip information via a series of quick questions in order to receive personalised itineraries on attractions per audience type (e.g. using categories that already exist such as “The Art Lover”).

Help Me Choose – Importance of Data Collection

  • Audience Insights – Collecting data on users allows you to segment your audience and tailor future communications, for example, “More to the city” content tailored by traveler type and preferences
  • Personalised Experience – Onboarding allows users to feel as though they’re ensuring themselves a better site experience. Explicit data collection (in addition to future implicit data captured through a personalisation service like Acquia Lift) allows Go City to provide tailored pass & attraction recommendations
  • Impact on Mobile Conversions – Personalisation is expected from their users

Through a set of questions framed by their “Help me Choose” decision, Catch Digital created a prototype in Figma for user testing, to test the capture data from the customer to help them point them toward the best pass for their requirements including;

  • User preferences – Can be used to recommend itineraries. For example, If they select a Premium Attraction they’ll be recommended All-Inclusive to avoid future confusion at checkout
  • Traveller group – Can be used to recommend attractions, type of pass, and future communications
  • Travelling approach – Can be used to recommend a type of pass and influence future communication
  • Travel dates – Can be used to provide information to travelers and upsell offerings during their trip

Ultimately, after the user completes the simple set of questions, Catch Digital is able to present a recommended pass so the agency can reassure users in their pass decision and use this opportunity to educate them on the fine print associated with each pass, which can otherwise be complex to navigate on the current experience.

Handover for Success

Equipping LPG with everything they need to unlock revenue potential via the mobile customer journey.

At this stage, Catch Digital was able to hand over the validated Figma prototype to Leisure Pass Group’s internal development team to build out into the existing site experience to help improve the conversation rate on mobile.

  • 31% of eCommerce revenues are made up of product recommendations
  • 4.5X more likely for people to click on personalised recommendations and complete their purchase
  • 12% of sales were attributed to product recommendations, according to a barilliance research study

About Catch Digital

Catch is a digital platform specialist. They focus on building exceptional digital experience platforms as they believe that with the right platform anything is possible.

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