Builtvisible Created SEO and Content Strategy for G4S’s Cash Solutions

G4S Cash Solutions is the UK’s leading provider of integrated cash management solutions. They arrange for essential services to support businesses in processing cash, card, and digital payments, efficiently and safely.

Builtvisible created a +312% share of the search for G4S’s Cash Solutions offering.

The Challenge

G4S approached them to overhaul the web presence of the Cash Solutions arm of their business. In need of a refresh and generally under-optimized, the existing set-up did not do justice to the array of future-facing solutions they had to offer businesses trading both on- and offline.

Builtvisible took a three-pronged approach:

  • Revitalise the minimal Cash Solutions website offering by refreshing and expanding existing content with improved targeting and engaging assets whilst retiring underperforming content
  • Support the launch of the G4S Pay product, helping create a robust understanding of the new sector and mapping this to fresh new pages
  • Sunsetting the old Cash Collections microsite and incorporating any remaining value into the central global site

Working closely with the G4S team, these three workstreams combined to create a new-look Cash and Pay hub that better represented the brand’s offering and positioned them perfectly to support the significantly increased demand for online payment processing.

The Solution

Revitalising Cash Solutions

Builtvisible’s work began with a thorough analysis of the search landscape, key competitors, and current performance. Operating in the financial space, a high bar had been set by the competition with top-ranking sites offering extensive, high-quality content boosted by rich media assets.

By comparison, G4S’s existing pages were sorely lacking and performance reflected this with organic traffic weighted heavily towards branded queries and existing customer support only.

Working in tandem, their SEO and content experts set about defining an action plan to retire unnecessary pages and build out existing ones to better reflect user demand. Working within pre-existing Sitecore design systems, Builtvisible revamped the page templates themselves, expanding the structure to offer more opportunities to target key search terms and using graphics to bring processes to life.

Launching G4S Pay

Starting from scratch, Builtvisible needed to build a comprehensive view of the landscape to help G4S understand their biggest opportunities to compete in the card payment space. Defining the core focus areas, they created the optimum site structure to support a host of compelling new pages Builtvisible created on bespoke page templates to help the brand hit the ground running in this competitive sector.

Once again their creative team got to work on a series of graphics to enrich key landing pages and simplify complex topics with ease.

Retiring G4S Cash Collections

Lastly, Builtvisible supported the sunsetting of the old cash solutions domain, redirecting old pages to their closest partner on the new-look hub. The team took insights from the best-performing pages on the old domain, building these lessons into the new product offering on the global site.

About Builtvisible

Builtvisible is a proudly independent, unashamedly specialist organic digital marketing agency that works to deliver the most meaningful agency experience in the world.

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