Top 5 Ecommerce Marketing Automation Ideas & Strategies for 2021

Ecommerce is continuing to increase in sales and is projected to hit all-time records this year at roughly four trillion. As online shopping continues to be the new normal, it is a great time to have an eCommerce business.

As growth accelerates so does competition, which is why it is important to have powerful marketing strategies in place.

Marketing and Ecommerce

Marketing is what drives visitors to your site and ultimately converts them into customers. Ecommerce is different than a brick-and-mortar store, no one will just drive by and find you.

Strategy 1: Email Marketing

Email marketing is still a strategy that works. Collecting contacts and building an email list is the first step, and attracting the right customer is more important than just getting a bunch of emails and names.

Email marketing is most successful when careful segmentation is done. The more personalized the content is, the more successful your campaigns will be. This is where Ecommerce marketing automation comes into play. Marketing automation will help build and nurture your email list.

Automated Email Examples for Ecommerce

There are many types of emails that brands send out, however, there are several must-have email campaigns when running an eCommerce business.

Welcome Email – When a subscriber signs up or becomes a new customer, they should receive a welcome email. Studies show that in 2020 customers were more likely to convert at 52% and not unsubscribe after receiving a welcome email.

Abandoned Cart Emails – These emails are a critical part of a good marketing strategy. When a customer adds a product to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, an email reminding them about the product and possibly giving them a deal to complete can help close the sale.

Browse Abandonment Email – An email is sent to a subscriber who was looking at products but never added anything to a cart before they left. These emails are highly effective because they are so personalized and will get a good open and conversion rate.

Confirmation Emails – Confirmation emails are important to customers when they order, knowing that the order was received and then once the product has shipped and including the tracking information. These emails have high open rates. Brands find that when they send these emails, it generates respect with customers and in turn gets repeat business.

Strategy 2: SMS Texting

Texting is a standard communication for most people, and eCommerce has found that it is a huge necessity for having a successful business. 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes of receipt. It is a great way to gain subscribers and an option to get more messages viewed.

The best way to start adding this option to visitors is to collect mobile numbers with email addresses as an extra field in the sign-up form. SMS can be sent as stand alone messages or integrated with your email marketing.

Strategy 3: Content Marketing

Content is still king! Everything that you produce has content. Product descriptions, ads, banners, emails, social media posts, SMS texts, and newsletters all have one thing in common, the content. The best way to create content is to think about how the product helps your customer. What pain points does it solve? When you come from a place of a solution, the product will be received better.

Content is about giving value and quality information. Your content should relate to your ideal customer and your brand. Quality content on your website and social media channels will also help with your SEO and search engine ranking. Thus, getting more opportunities for your brand to get in front of the target audience.

Strategy 4: Social Media

Social media marketing must play a part in your overall marketing strategy. Billions of users are logged in to social media, and it is a medium that needs to be used to create awareness.

Social media gives the opportunity to showcase beautiful visuals that entice customers to want more information and to click on a link to learn more. Brands can also engage with potential customers and tell stories that will ultimately improve conversions. The biggest thing is to engage and respond to comments and direct messages. The opportunity for connecting and creating trust is huge in social media.

Strategy 5: CRM Marketing

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a software technology that can help manage all of a brand’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. It streamlines processes and improves customer relations so that profitability increases.

CRM is a tool that stores contact information, identifies sales opportunities, records all conversations and issues, and manages marketing campaigns. The tool allows for easy segmentation and gives employees all the data and information so that productivity increases. A strong CRM will handle your email marketing from strategy 1 and make it possible to continue growth without the growing pains brands find with success.

Finding a CRM that works within your business and strategies is a must.

Create a Strong Marketing Strategy and The Brand Will Find Success

When creating a strategy it can seem overwhelming, however, if you break it into smaller chunks it can become less stressful. If you use each strategy given in this article. you will create the start of a successful eCommerce marketing which will give you the sales that you need to dominate. If you are unsure where to start or how to start MaxAudience can help.

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