Free eGuide: Top Digital Marketing Tools Preferred by Digital Agencies in 2021

We have gathered the reviews of 50 digital marketing professionals from all around the world. They reviewed their favorite digital marketing tools.

As Digital Agency Network, we list the top digital agencies all around the world and the best digital marketing tools for agencies. For this community-based eGuide, we asked the digital marketing agencies about their favorite digital marketing tools.

We all use digital marketing tools while working for different purposes. You can need it while working online with your peers at the same time, tracking your projects, checking your work before it goes live, scheduling your social media posts, etc. But you definitely need it at some point to proceed with your work.

And in this eGuide, there are the reviews of 50 digital marketing professionals from 25 different agencies. Moreover, they shared why they prefer those specific digital marketing tools to maintain their work. The results are very insightful and inspiring for anyone interested in digital marketing.

Download your free copy to explore how digital agencies maintain their work with the help of digital marketing tools.

What are the digital marketing tools covered in this eGuide?

Due to their position in the industry, digital agencies always have to be tech-savvy. Depending on the agency’s services, they specialize in using digital marketing tools for that specific service.

The tools are covered in seven main categories:

  1. Advertising Management & Analytics
  2. Collaboration
  3. eCommerce Marketing
  4. Remote Working
  5. SEO/SEM
  6. Social Media Marketing
  7. Web Design

In this eGuide, you will hear about the best SEO tools from experienced SEO professionals at agencies. And, they will explain why they prefer that specific tool. The same goes on for all categories. That way, any digital marketer can explore what digital marketing tools their peers are using at another agency in another part of the world.

What is important while choosing a digital marketing tool for your agency?

72% of the participants stated that reference is highly important while choosing a digital marketing tool. This also shows how essential this eGuide is for all digital marketers.

Digital marketing experts also rated the importance of the features below while choosing a digital marketing tool:

You can download the free eGuide here.

Who are the partners?

This eGuide “Top Digital Marketing Tools Preferred by Digital Agencies in 2021” has been created in partnership with:

We have to say that we’re grateful for their endless support. You can download the free eGuide here.

Over to you

Our visitors are decision-makers of SMBs & SMEs, online brands, marketing industry professionals, vendors, and talented candidates looking for the top digital agencies. They are interested in digital marketing tools and the latest news about digital agencies.

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  • Should you have any questions for us, please always feel free to contact us through our contact form. It doesn’t have to be about digital marketing tools.
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We believe you will enjoy reading our eGuide about the best digital marketing tools! Well, hope to see you in our coming content projects!

Hey, don’t forget to download the eGuide “Top Digital Marketing Tools Preferred by Digital Agencies in 2021“.

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