Vicky Frissen

Vicky Frissen is a freelance copywriter based in Barcelona. She helps brands and businesses stand out from the crowd by putting some personality in each piece of copy she writes—whether it’s a 1,000-word blog post or a short and snappy Instagram caption.

BLOG | Digital Marketing

6 Tips for SaaS Marketing Growth Strategy That Works

Working hard on your marketing strategy is crucial for a SaaS business. Simply put, not growing and progressing in the SaaS industry means that your business will fail – and soon. Reports indicate that the annual growth rate of this market is 18%. With such tremendous (and growing) competition, it’s hard to get ahead and …

BLOG | Startup Marketing

9 Ways to Organize Your Staff and Grow Your Business

Do you want to grow your business big and strong, but isn’t it going quite as fast as you would like? You may have tapped into the right market and have set up the right business model, but if your staff and other aspects of your business aren’t organized, you’re slowing yourself down. Organizing your …

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