Charlie Britten

Charlie Britten is the content marketing and SEO specialist at BeUniqueness. He has worked in the field of content marketing for 13 years, having switched from a career in financial services. He has previously gained a degree in Politics with Sociology from the University of Wolverhampton and a postgraduate certificate in magazine journalism from Harlow College.

BLOG | Digital Marketing

How an Ethical Story in a Crisis Can Boost Your Firm

Finding a way to survive has been a challenge for many firms during the pandemic; but being on the side of the good guys can certainly help your cause. Every so often there is a development that affects the business world in a way described euphemistically as ‘disruptive’. The internet and E-commerce, the use of …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Why Digital Marketing Will Matter More After the Pandemic

Digital marketing has been growing in importance at a rapid rate in recent years. But the coronavirus pandemic is likely to accelerate the process and expand its use rapidly. The world of marketing has been gradually digitising in recent years, with many sectors finding it is invaluable in reaching potential customers in ways traditional methods …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

How to Market Travel in a Post-COVID-19 Marketplace

Travel and tourism have been hit harder than just about any other sector by the coronavirus pandemic, which means it will need to market itself in very creative and powerful ways to recover as the crisis eases. Of all the sectors affected by COVID-19, there is little doubt that travel has been the worst affected. …

BLOG | Content Marketing

How Can Content Marketing Spread Optimism?

At a time when optimism around the world seems to be in short supply, there has never been a better time to use content marketing in a positive way. Writing upbeat content marketing copy is often easy when there is an obvious positive story to tell about success, an inspirational story or a development that …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Why Will the COVID-19 Crisis Boost Digital Marketing in the Future?

The coronavirus crisis may seem like a huge threat to businesses and jobs as well as health, but digital marketing may in fact take a great leap forward as a result of Covid 19. Major events that can affect whole populations can transform lives in more ways that one; it does not just have an …

BLOG | AI Marketing

What Role Will AI Play in Digital Marketing by the End of This Decade?

The growth of artificial intelligence has been significant, but not always understood. Yet it makes sense to assess how it might influence marketing. The idea of artificial intelligence taking on important decisions has been a classic ‘marmite’ development. For some, the idea has been a welcoming one, based on the notion that machine learning using …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Marketing Lessons from Virgin: How to Help a Brand Survive Setbacks

Branding is all about building a positive reputation for a firm – but knowing what to do when things go wrong is also very important. Every company needs a strong brand name, something that arises not from one element but several. Each part is important, but the combination of them is what makes your brand …

BLOG | Social Media Marketing

What is the Best Social Media Platform for Your Marketing Campaign?

There can be little doubt that social media has a big role to play in digital marketing. But is there really a ‘best’ platform to use in your campaigns? The rise of the internet was so swiftly followed by the emergence of social media that it is difficult for anyone not to bracket them together. …

BLOG | Content Marketing

Why Good Research Can Help Your Story Stand Out

Content marketing and blogging remains a key element of most digital marketing strategies; for all the occasional tweaks of search engine algorithms by Google and others. Good content is vital to generate the level of awareness of your firm or client’s firm that will help them grow. Among the ways you can do this is through good …

BLOG | Content Marketing

How to Put Storytelling at The Heart of Your Content

Content marketing is not just about information and persuasion; it has to go further and tell a full story. In this article, we focused on how can you put storytelling at the heart of your content. Imagine looking for a painting to hang on your wall and finding an odd-looking image of a piglet wading …

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