12 Lead Generation Strategies for Your Digital Marketing Agency in 2021

Lead generation strategies are one of the biggest challenges for digital marketers, as they need more customers for their business to grow. The key to driving more traffic to boost up sales is the quality of the service being provided and the quality of the content designed to attract the targeted audience.

With the advancement in technology, a new sun has risen. The world has turned into a global village and the era of digitalization has changed how we conduct or manage our business.

No matter how much changes you see in the marketing or advertising area, the main goal will always be to direct and engage more traffic onto your website in order to boost sales and improve the conversion rate.

Digital advertising solutions just like Mediaocean will control over all your marketing investments and optimize your business outcomes. Its AI and machine learning powered control mechanism also will help with planning, buying and selling.



Mediaocean is the mission-critical platform for omnichannel advertising. Mediaocean provides foundational software to connect brands, agencies, media, technology, and data.

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As fans celebrate the return of live sport, advertisers must navigate this summer’s campaigns without a map. This presents the challenge of engaging with fans not physically in stadiums, but it also creates an opportunity to engage audiences at home through digital channels.

In this webinar, Mediaocean shares highlights from our Summer of Sport report and hears from industry experts across TV and social.

Join us as our panel explores:

  • The challenges for marketers ahead of the summer of sport
  • The opportunities for advertisers with hybrid sporting events
  • Practical tips and strategies to reach your audience

If you want to find out how to generate leads for your digital marketing agency, here are 12 lead generation strategies to help digital marketing agencies with some impressive results.

1. Webpage Optimization

First things first, you start from the very roots and since your website is the main source of driving all the traffic, you have to check whether it is functioning properly or not.

Website loading errors, lagging speed, and bad user interface drive the traffic away rather than bringing more in. There are many tools that help scan your website for any errors.

Knowing which clients or companies have viewed your website is necessary for sales specific marketing. This can later be given to a sales representative for a precisely designed follow up conversation to land in more clients.

2. Running A/B Tests

Running an A/B test allows you to determine which version of your webpage is causing more traffic. The performance is checked through statistical analysis.

Shortening the forms on webpages ensures higher conversions. This helps companies increase the conversions rates and in turn, more leads being generated.

3. Do Routine Website Checks

If you’re like most businesses and only check your website for bugs — when something is broken or you get repeated complaints — chances are that you are going to lose clients faster than you are gaining them.

This laid back approach secretly causes the website to lag and possible visitors to turn the other way, without you even ever knowing. Broken links that never load or 404 error pages can easily make visitors turn away forever.

A weekly routine website scan is crucial not only to make sure the system is running smoothly but also to make changes and improve user interface whenever needed.


4. Create a Mobile Friendly Website Version

Google deems it necessary for websites to be more mobile friendly. Consider your website as your digital business card. If your website is not optimized for a smooth experience on the user’s smartphone, it can be alarming.

If your webpage is not loading or working properly on a cell phone, it’s a big reason to worry; considering the number of people using their cell phones and how much traffic are you diverting from your website due to this cause alone.

Best solution is to do a full website scan and target the areas or pages that are not mobile friendly. Have your web developer create webpages that are either more responsive or have a totally different stand-alone website for a mobile version.

5. Keep Updating Keywords

Uncovering the keywords that your competitors are already using and generating traffic from, can be very beneficial. By understanding which keywords are working for them, you can optimize your content accordingly.

Besides, you can get your website to rank higher with similar keywords. Adding long-tail keywords to structure your web content is a good tip for effective lead generation strategies.

6. Create Lead Magnets Through SEO

No matter how attractive your webpage is, it won’t generate leads if it is not visible to the potential customers. That’s when SEO jumps in for help. SEO strategies put your webpage into the first search page of Google results.

Lead magnets are pieces of contents like PDF or recorded files that can be viewed and downloaded by the visitors in exchange for their email addresses or other contact information.

There are many forms of lead magnets but they all have one thing in common; they allow a conversation with the possible clients who are not ready to buy from you yet but can be persuaded.

Here is a guide to everything you need to know about SEO in 2021.

7. Personalizing Your Content

A general version of a landing page will never do you any good and won’t really increase the conversion rate since they always target a broad spectrum which, in this case, is not a good thing. Your website’s prospects can be increased by providing personalized content to the end user.

For instance, you might want to show different content to the CEO of a company than you might want to show to an advertising agency. Identifying each person’s wants and desires and channeling that into your content will help you generate more leads.

8. Building an App

Building an app is now the easiest way to get more traffic, therefore for upgrading your lead generation strategies. It is easily accessible but you can’t expect customers to download an app just because you ask them to. You have to offer unique services or services that your competitors haven’t thought of yet.

An app that keeps offering immense value to its user and is always a source of ease will continue to produce more traffic and generate a huge number of leads, while also taking care of its existing customers.


9. Make Videos for YouTube and Vimeo

Vimeo and YouTube are the leading online video platforms that get millions of viewers every day. If you own a business, you can easily use this platform to target a specified audience with a bunch of how to videos or any relatable content that you might be able to think of.

YouTube now is more than an entertainment tool and people use it for a lot of product reviews or to find answers to questions they can’t anywhere else. You can add the link to your website in the description box of the video. Taking advantage of video marketing is the smartest move you can make.

10. Set Up a Blog

In order to sell your service effectively, you have to think from the buyer’s perspective. Many times when people come across a digital agency website, the information provided is not enough to satisfy them and they end up brushing off the idea of investing in it at all.

Create a blog or do guest blogging to publish more personalized content or talk about how you can help to businesses in-depth so that it can help drive more traffic. You can use different keywords to attract customers, write a bunch of how-to articles on the best niches of digital marketing as well.

The best way is to keep a keen eye on the feedback you get from the customers and try to incorporate it into your service and your blog posts as much as you can.

11. Use Social Media

If you know how to promote a digital agency on social media, you can reach your prospects. Social media marketing has been immensely fruitful for many businesses. Also, there are many ways to generate leads using different online platforms.

You can record podcasts that can be played by multiple people and can be a source of generating new leads. They will also come up on Google’s search results whenever similar keywords are searched.

You can upload this on iTunes and SoundCloud to promote your services. You can also advertise your service on different social media channels or get in touch with marketing bloggers to promote your agency in a very subtle manner that will only generate more leads and drive further traffic.

12. Live Chats and FAQs

You may have a separate page for frequently asked questions but half of the prospects don’t bother sending in their queries because it is time-consuming. The only way to know what most of your visitors are really looking for is if you engage with them on the spot.

A live chat allows a customer service representative to engage with potential customers and help them out. You can also go through customer emails and live chats to compile all the questions your customers have asked frequently and try to answer them as elaborately as you can.

You can even link the blog posts on the FAQ page to generate further leads. This will not only help your customers but you will look more professional in your job. It will increase of their trust.

Successful lead generation strategies differ for each business. Moreover, generating a stream of new leads is not something that will happen overnight or even in a couple of days.

It is a process that requires an inspection to identify which parts need improvements and how to effectively improve them.

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