6 Inspiring TED Talks for UX Designers

The top TED talks every UX designer ought to watch! 

Calling all UX professionals…

Here’s 6 incredible, cant-miss TED talks that we have cherry-picked out of the 300+ design related options available.

These gems cover wide design principles and user experiences for your inspiration.

Check them out!

1. Sheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier

All consumers love customized products and experiences, but what happens if you give them 700 options? They freeze. Sheena Iyengar uses her research to showcase how companies and brands can ease and improve the experience of choosing for their customers. This talk is a must-see!

2. Rochelle King: The Complex Relationship Between Data and Design in UX

The Spotify designer, Rochelle King highlights the process of redesigning a website, sharing the best practices for seamless navigation between data, designers and the users. She points out that “data and design are just two tools we use to actually craft experiences.”

3. Don Norman: Three Ways That Good Design Makes You Happy

In this fun TED talk, Don Norman, author of “Emotional Design” focuses on design that makes people happy and points three important emotional cues of success that every great design must possess in less than 15 minutes.

4. Paul Bennett: Design in the Details

British design expert IDEO CEO, Paul Bennett, shows us examples of captivating, different and fun products, emphasizing that the great of design is in small, common and forgotten details, and doesn’t necessarily have to be about grand, conspicuous gestures. He claims empathy is at the heart of design, and helps us reframe the ordinary. He ends his talk with great advice: “Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.”

5. David McCandless: The Beauty of Data Visualization

According to David McCandless, good design can change the way we see the world. He proves his point by turning complex sets of data for e.g. media buzz, Facebook statuses, and military spending around the world into the simplest, most beautiful diagrams that give rise to unexpected connections and patterns. Making complex data easy to digest and quick to understand.

6. Margaret Gould Stewart: How Giant Websites Design For You

Facebook’s director of product design, Margaret Gould Stewart shares great insight on UX design and how no detail is too small. She uses the “like” & “share” buttons on Facebook as an example of design on a massive scale – with around 22 billion impressions each day and talks about her rules of design. She believes that in order to design on a large scale one needs two things – audacity and humility.

Which TED talk inspired you most?

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