Agnieszka Sekreta

Agnieszka Sekreta is the creative director at Elespacio where she leads creative efforts in content strategy, advertising, web design, illustration, animation and video. She is collaborating closely with various marketing teams to increase brand affinity, awareness and sales for multiple lifestyle brands such as Nespresso, Expedia, Victorinox and Ebel. Additionally, she is also directing social media initiatives for Elespacio exploring new ways of communication via emerging platforms.

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Step into the Metaverse

It’s probably about time you caught up on the metaverse — it made headlines after the recent announcement from Mark Zuckerberg that he has rebranded Facebook. The social media mogul, and head of the platform now known as Meta, explained his idea to create a new version of the internet. The internet has transformed and …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Review Mining: The Secret to Sticky Messaging

Writing good copy is no easy task. Even if you know everything there is to know about your brand and its target audience, turning that knowledge into a copy that resonates is harder than it looks. So, stop doing it. The key to writing sticky copy (copy that audiences remember) isn’t sitting at a desk …

BLOG | Web Design

Real Connection Lies in Inclusive Design – The Benefit of Designing for Everyone

Brands have spent decades designing their messaging, marketing, products...

BLOG | Digital Marketing

From Perfect to Positive

Once upon a not so distant past, brands were all about selling the perfect life and advertising the perfect body. Yet there’s been a massive shift since the 90s—when marketing trends were defined by flawless bodies and unattainable beauty ideals—in how bodies are represented. From terms like body acceptance and fat acceptance to body positivity …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Sonic Branding – How to Use the Power of Sound for Marketing? Sound About Right?

Building brand power, soundwave by soundwave. Sonic branding: how it all began. Sound is a force. Something that can command, inspire and elicit powerful emotional responses in people. And in today’s fast-paced era of digital transformation, leading brands and agencies are harnessing the potency of audio for marketing purposes. But using sound as a means …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Raise That Voice – Why Tone of Voice Matters

Why tone of voice matters. And how to use it. Talk to me in that tone of voice. Behind every great business there is a powerful brand language – the tone, terms and words that a company uses to describe themselves and their products. Brand language is as crucial as brand identity. Like visual signals, …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Why Do Online Reviews Matter for Ecommerce Websites?

The good, the bad and the vital. The power of online reviews is inarguable. So how can businesses stay on top of the feedback game? The burden of choice Choice. It’s a fine thing. Yet have you ever gone online to find an electrician, carpet fitter or dog sitter and been overwhelmed by the number …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

5 Big Positive Digital Transformation Trends for 2021

There are plenty of reasons to be glad to see the back of 2020, and plenty of reasons to look forward to 2021. In the world of digital marketing, too, the future looks bright. The coronavirus pandemic brought online technology to more people, as we all adjusted to working and socialising and teaching our children …

BLOG | Digital Marketing

Why Customers Love the Brands That Live Their Values

Long ago, when times were simpler and customers less …

BLOG | Social Media Marketing

How YouTube Became Teacher for a Generation

YouTube is about clips of cats doing funny things and kids playing video games while they talk about it. At least that’s what we adults might think the Google-owned video platform is all about. But the younger generation – the Gen Zs and the Gen Alphas – think different. We interviewed a group of children …

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