5 VR Marketing Trends Digital Agencies Need To Know In 2020

Staying on the cutting edge of marketing is essential for businesses to differentiate their business from competitors and appeal to their target market. One strategy that’s gaining attention in digital marketing is the use of Virtual Reality for marketing.

Through the use of Virtual Reality, companies can provide unique experiences to customers that help the company move into the future of marketing.

If you’re looking for a way to set your clients’ marketing strategies apart from all others in 2020, VR is still the way to go.

What is VR?

VR (virtual reality) is interactive software that puts the user in a three-dimensional environment that isn’t really there. VR usually uses a special headset to simulate a real experience.

The headset is responsive to the movements of the user, allowing the user to look around and see the full environment. Though VR is not a new concept. It has gained popularity recently and is being used more frequently in different situations, such as gaming.

5 VR Marketing Strategies

1. “Hands-on” Demonstrations

Some products and services sell better when customers can see exactly how the process works. But it’s not always practical for customers to get demonstrations of your processes.

That’s where VR marketing strategies can help. Software developers who use their products to manage warehouse operations can use VR to show customers the end-result of their software.

From manufacturing processes to packaging and organization, VR marketing can immerse the customer in the use of the software so they can see it first-hand.

2. Show Results

Another way to use VR technology in marketing is by showing the results of using a product or service. Limbic Life did this effectively as part of their Project VITALICS, which gave VR insights into how their Limbic Chair improves mobility for those who use it.

Through this VR marketing campaign, Limbic Life was able to show customers that its projected results were more than just projected. Instead, customers could virtually experience those results for themselves, making them much more real. For products and services that rely on customers’ results, this can be an effective VR marketing strategy.

Here Dr. Patrik Künzler, who is the Limbic Chair’s creator, shares more:

3. Tour Facilities

Some companies have impressive facilities that help them achieve what they want. But it’s not practical to have customers doing tours all the time.

If that sounds like you, then you can provide VR tours to give customers the opportunity to see your facilities. Knowing where products and services are developed can be a strong selling point for your business. It adds a level of transparency for business operations that can be attractive to customers.

Through a VR tour as part of a marketing campaign, you can bring your customers to your facilities without having customers in your facilities every day.

4. Raise Awareness

If your brand focuses on your mission and vision, it’s important for customers to know about your mission and vision. You also need to make sure your customers know everything they need to about how your products and services fit into that mission and vision.

You can use the VR marketing strategy used by Boursin to raise awareness of products’ flavours, recommended pairings, and recipe ideas. Their campaign gave customers extra information about their products and how they could use their products at home.

Whether you want customers to get extra information or educate customers about the purpose of your organization, raising awareness is a good use of VR marketing.

5. Get Up Close with Products

Most customers like to know what they’re getting before they buy it. With VR, you can implement a marketing campaign that gives your customers a closer look at your products.

For example, if you have an online boutique, a VR campaign can put your customers in a virtual shop to get an up close look at your clothing items.

By using VR in this way, you can highlight what makes your products great for your customers. In addition, they can feel like they’re getting VIP treatment every time they see your products.

VR marketing is a trend that’s going to grow in 2020. By starting to implement it now, you can get ahead of the trend and provide your customers with a new and unique experience.

Whether your customers want to raise awareness of their products or give tours of their facilities, VR is the trend you want to consider while creating your digital marketing campaigns.

Here you can read more about the latest articles covering the popular virtual reality trends and get inspired for your digital projects.

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