How Combin Can Save Your Time And Bring Profit To Your Digital Marketing Agency

Instagram has proved to be the leading digital marketing platform over the last few years, and its marketing value only continues to grow.

Instagram user engagement with brands is 10 times higher in comparison to Facebook, and 84% higher than Twitter. As much as 80% of Instagram users follow brands, 70% of the most popular hashtags are branded, and the ad revenue is counting billions of dollars.

Сonsidering the platform’s popularity and reach, the growing number of brands and individuals interested in marketing on Instagram is quite predictable. However, many of them don’t know how to arrange the profile and attract potential clients in right way. This challenging, time-consuming task is passed over to the professionals – marketing agencies.

Digital marketing agencies are diligently monitoring the latest trends, developing individual strategies, managing hundreds of Instagram accounts, and keeping an eye on hidden Instagram hourly and daily action restrictions to protect the client’s accounts from being blocked or permanently suspended. With the multiplicity of tasks that fall on the shoulders of marketing agents, they turn to specialized Instagram audience growing tools for help.


The number of easy-to-use, effective, yet affordable options was limited and the agencies were caught between a rock and a hard place, until a relatively new Combin tool has appeared on the market, that seem to straddle all important qualities.


Combin is a user-friendly, organic Instagram growing application that offers a set of essential functions for targeted audience search and interaction. Instagram accounts and posts of potential followers are found by followers and commenters of the competitors, by hashtags, location, and a hashtag+location combination.

Interaction is performed through single and mass-following, liking and commenting – Combin allows leaving multiple comments with different contents in bulk and saving comments as templates for future use.


Besides the main search and engagement functionality, the application also allows hiding irrelevant accounts from the search results for good, tracks the accounts you unfollowed and prevents from following them again, detects accounts that don’t mutually follow yours and lets unfollowing them in a couple of clicks, as well as protects important Instagram accounts from unfollowed by mistake during mass-actions.


All action tasks are automatically scheduled and processed accordingly to individual hourly and daily Instagram activity limits. Information about the number of followed and unfollowed accounts, likes and comments over particular period is always accessible at the History tab for a convenient report of the completed work to the agencies’ clients.


Every marketing agency owner is looking not only for a functional Instagram audience growing tool, but also for an affordable one. Investment in Combin Business plan subscription goes a long a way: $30 a month for simultaneous management of 5 Instagram accounts from one computer, meaning only $6 per account.

In comparison, the price range per month for a single Instagram account management through other Instagram growing tools starts at $10 for Instazood, $19 for Instanobel and $36 for Social Growth.


In order to find out the effectiveness and time-saving qualities Combin actually has, we asked marketing agencies representatives about their experience with the tool.

The respondents marked that Combin proved to save tremendous amount of time not only on the good ol’ mass-liking of posts with relevant-to-business tags, but also on interaction with followers and commenters of the clients’ accounts, of similar accounts, and of clients’ competitors. The latter was also reported to be one of the most productive ways to bring hundreds of likes, comments and new followers.

The advanced mass-commenting feature earned the trust of numerous respondents – they admitted it’s one of Combin’s highlights and a one of a kind feature on its own, no other growing tool they previously used offered the same.

The agencies searched for posts and users, selected those they wanted to engage with, fill in the comment fields with various text and emoji, filtered previously commented posts and users, then set the commenting task to process.

Mostly, the agencies entered the general amount of the needed comments at first couple of uses and later only picked the suitable templates, without spending time on creating new ones each time and scheduled the task. The comments were left randomly by the application for the selected posts and users to avoid spammy repetition.

Combin’s ability to simultaneously perform tasks for all 5 connected Instagram accounts played a major role in it’s time-saving effectiveness for all SMM agencies we interviewed.

Overall Combin received positive feedback from the agencies that had a chance to try out the new tool. The experience of the respondents proved the efficiency and productivity of the application.

If you are looking for an affordable, powerful and time-saving tool to promote Instagram accounts of your marketing agency’s clients, Combin is definitely worth checking out.

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