Ecommerce Digital Marketing Strategies to Propel Your Brand

eCommerce marketing is the practice of driving top-of-funnel traffic to ultimately convert into sales and customers. It is important in order to be successful and join in the highly trafficked arena.

To effectively grow you will need to have a well-planned eCommerce digital marketing strategy to drive brand awareness and increase sales.

Here are some of the building blocks which will help you create a successful eCommerce digital marketing strategy.

Know Your Goals, Objectives and Your Audience

Before any successful eCommerce digital marketing strategy can be executed it is important to have the facts straight. Your goals and objectives need to be very clear and specific.

Your goals and metrics need to have a percentage of increase, such as increase sales by 25% during the slow season. Just saying that increase is not enough.

Know your audience. If you don’t have a clear understanding of who you are targeting, you are certain to run inefficient campaigns that waste money targeting low-converting unqualified individuals.

Once you are clear on this, then you can work on the specific avenues of generating conversions and making those sales. That is where the following strategies come in to play.

Optimize Your SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a key part of digital marketing strategies. Not only does it apply to websites, but it also needs to be done on all of your individual product pages for the exact keywords that potential customers are searching for.

Reviews on Product Pages

People base their purchases off of online reviews, they trust reviews as much as they trust their friends. It has been said that 80% of users incorporate reviews into their buying designs. As a business, this means you can’t skip out on getting reviews of your products. There are plugins for WordPress and Shopify that make it easy to load reviews to your product pages.

Content Marketing

Content is King in digital marketing. Content applies to a variety of eCommerce digital marketing strategies. For many businesses, it means blogs, eBooks, whitepapers, the content on the site, and newsletters.

For eCommerce sites, you want to make sure that you want to focus on name, description, and details on your products. SEO, keywords, and content go hand in hand. This is what will get your search rankings up and prospective clients to find you.


Email Marketing

Email marketing is a foundation of eCommerce marketing. With great images and content you can deliver targeted product suggestions, announcements, and discount offers to an audience who is already interested in your product.

A data segmentation strategy will get you high engagement from the very first email. Segmentation is the division of email subscribers into smaller segmentation based on specific criteria. It is used as a personalization tactic to deliver more relevant emails to subscribers. Your clickthrough rate will increase, but more importantly, your conversion to buyers will grow.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay per click advertisement is a key piece to create immediate leads when growing your eCommerce business. You want to focus on long tail keywords, be specific, you want higher quality traffic versus quantity. Most successful ads will contain a unique selling proposition.

This could be a % off, or free shipping, something that will close the sale.

You want your ad copy and landing page to speak directly to the searches people are typing to find your product. Keep in mind consistency for ecommerce digital marketing strategies.

There are several types of PPC ads, the three that are the biggest forces in eCommerce are paid search, display, and shopping campaigns.

  • Paid Search Ads – The ad will appear at the top of the search engine results. They can produce a high conversion rate.
  • Display Ads – Sometimes they are also refereed to as banner ads. They can be seen all over popular websites, apps, and mobile games. They are great for building brand awareness and generating conversions when used to retarget a customer.
  • Shopping Campaigns (Product Listing Ads) – With Google Shopping Campaigns and Bing Product Ads, your products will appear directly within the search engine results. Whatever the user is searching for to buy, it will show images of the products and the price. The user clicks on the ad and redirected to the online store.

Retargeting as an eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy

Retargeting is the practice of sending targeted ads to specific users who have already interacted with your brand. Typically, the users fall into one of these categories.

  • Recently visited certain pages of your site
  • Purchased from you in the past
  • Email subscribers
  • Were customers in the past but are no longer engaged

There are a ton of eCommerce digital marketing strategies out there. However, these strategies that we have shared are the ones that we use for our clients to gain them the best eCommerce business. Keep in mind that some of these options may take time to see a return while others will start working immediately. Your marketing plan should incorporate a variety of tactics to target your audience completely.

If you are unsure about where to start, or how to implement these strategies, MaxAudience can help you navigate the path to increasing your revenue.

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