Useful Keyword Research And Analysis Methods in 2020

Keyword research and analysis methods are the most important, valuable, and high return activities in the search and content marketing fields.

Keyword research should be the basis of any online marketing campaign. Search engines want to rank the most credible, comprehensive resource for a given keyword term. Ranking for the right keywords can make or break your website.

The simple goal of keyword research is to find out what your target audience is searching and what it will take to actually rank for those keywords and phrases.

Keywords analysis and research methods do not only drive traffic to your website, but also bring the right kind of visitors who’d be interested in your services or products.

With keyword research you can predict shifts in demand, respond to changing market conditions, and produce the products, services, and content that web searchers are actively seeking.

Competition is another reason for the difficulty in getting organic traffic for blog posts. Keyword tools do not display all of the terms that people search for, nor they display terms with small levels of search volume. Because of this, many bloggers in the same niche research and optimize using the same limited set of keyword terms and make it nearly impossible for newcomers to rank without a lot of SEO work.

You can use these keyword research and analysis methods to establish and execute a strong keyword strategy that helps you get found for the search terms you actually care about.

1. Identify core keywords

Core keywords are core terms that identify main theme of the content you will be creating for your corporate website, blog or various types of websites. Make a list of important, relevant topics based on what you know about your business.

There may be certain terms that are used interchangeably so you may have multiple possible core terms. You should identify core keywords related to the post you will publish at your blog or the contents related with your products and services that you will publish on your website.

Come up with about 5-10 topics that are important to your business, and then you’ll use those topics as keyword combinations later in the process.

2. Research related search terms

You can go to and take a look at the related search terms that appear when you plug in a keyword. When you type in your phrase and scroll to the bottom of Google’s results, you’ll notice some suggestions for searches related to your original input.


how to do keyword analysis

Also, keyword tools like can help you to find relevant terms with your content. These related search terms can spark ideas for other keywords you may want to take into consideration.

3. Create a list of main terms and long-tail keywords

Main terms are keyword combinations that are shorter and generic, usually one to three words in length. Long-tail keywords, which are longer keyword phrases, contain three or more words.

Long tail keywords often convert better, because they have a better potential to catch people in the buying process. A person searching for a generic keyword like “iPad” is probably browsing, and not ready to buy. But, someone searching for “best price on iPad Air 2” is a potential buyer.

It’s important to have a mix of main terms and long-tail terms because it’ll give you a keyword strategy that’s well balanced with long-term goals and short-term wins. You can have quick wins with long-tail keywords but you should also try to gain traffic with more difficult main terms in time.

4. Use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Once you have identified the main terms and long-tail keywords, check them for search volume in Google Keyword Tool, then search for the terms in Google. Google’s keyword tool provides some keyword suggestions that still have measurable search volume. You can play around with variations of these to find relevant long-tail terms.

You can narrow down your keyword list with Google search results using a mix of the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Google Trends. You can get search volume and traffic estimates in Keyword Planner, and check out their trend history and projections in Google Trends for keywords you’re considering.

5. Search your competitors

You can see how competitors are ranking for these keywords spending some time. In this case, “best keyword research method” is nearly free of exact competition and the sites that rank look easy enough to overtake. Understanding what keywords your competitors are trying to rank for, is a great way to help you give your list of keywords another evaluation.

SEMrush allows you to run a number of free reports that show you the top keywords for the domain you enter. This is a quick way to get a sense of the types of terms your competitors are ranking for.

6. Don’t forget to optimize your content

You’re done! But keyword analysis and research is just the beginning of an SEO strategy.

Optimization includes having the exact keyword phrase in the post title, meta description, and body content. The rest of the content should also be relevant to your keywords. You should use internal and external linking from older posts and relevant influencers. Also, you should optimize images as well by giving them names that include your search term.

You have to analyse your website traffic with Google Analytics and re-evaluate the keywords every month. 

As you gain visibility in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), you can manipulate the current keywords and experiment with new ones to maintain your current presence and then have higher rankings in time.

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