Is Email Marketing Still An Effective Strategy?

Many professionals point to the premeditated death of email marketing due to the growth of social media and their consequent investment by companies.

However, those who share the opinion that email marketing is no longer effective, forget when this strategy does not work is because the content of the email does not meet the interests of the recipients.

Although it is sometimes difficult to get information about the segments, according to Ascend, 51% of marketers say that the success of this tool is often limited by the lack of relevant information about their contacts.

Another corporate failure is tireless sending of emails, 78% of its recipients claim to have canceled email subscriptions because they are receiving too many (Hubspot 2016). This way, it is important to reduce the number of emails and not always be bombarding people with information about companies.

There is no efficiency without a previously planned strategy. In addition to the content having to be relevant, it must also have some call-to-actions to motivate people to click where we want.

Email marketing has many advantages associated with it. When used properly, it can leverage sales, generate new customers and help in their retention. While social networks first need to engage people so that they can become customers.

Through email marketing you can opt for various communication strategies, they are the following:

• Commercial: These strategies are considered to be the most traditional and are intended to increase impulsive behavior when announcing promotions or a new product.

• Loyalty: In order to retain customers, this type of campaign aims to promote their relationship with the brand or company, in order to generate more sales.

• Informational: These campaigns are intended mainly to inform clients, for example about future events or to get feedback on a particular service or product.

• Location: This is a strategy used to inform people about the location of the physical store, so that they can go in it and become customers.

These strategies associated with relevant content can achieve good results for companies. Unlike to what happens in social media, in email marketing there is a base of subscribers who are already interested in the subjects sent by companies. They can choose whether or not to open and read the emails.

Now in social media, content is filtered by them and do not reach all people. Email marketing is up to 40 times more effective than social media, according to a study done by McKinsey & Company. The same study also shows that the buying process happens 3 times faster than in social media.

Statistically, there are indicators that show the growing potential of email marketing. Based on surveys conducted by the Channel Preferences Survey, these indicate that 91% of people access their email at least once a day. Moreover, it is also said that they prefer to receive business information via email.

According to the Fourth Source website, 92% of internet users have at least one email account. That is, practically everyone has email unlike what happens with social media, not everyone has an account, which can difficult and minimize the reach and coverage of the desired segment.

To contradict the rumor that dictates the death of email marketing, according by The Radicati Group, the number of email users will grow to 3 billion in 2020.

These statistical indicators leave no room for doubt about the potential of this tool, which should be included in the digital strategy of a company, since 3 out of 4 affirm that they obtain good results through this it (Econsultancy).


Among its advantages are the possibility of communicating through a more personal and personalized approach and the fact of allowing and facilitating the analysis of data, which in turn helps to understand if the company’s objectives are in accordance with the results obtained.

This tool also allows you to perform A / B tests, helps you to understand which email works best, allows you to target your public, increase company awareness, by sending emails weekly or monthly.

The recipient will remember the company, and allows you to do remarketing in order to reach people who, for example, have abandoned the website’s shopping cart. They will be reminded via email that they have products in the cart.


Email marketing has few associated costs, an account in Mailchimp, for example, allows you to send up to 12,000 emails per month to a list of up to 2,000 contacts for free. Paid plans are not that expensive.

One of the key factors contributing to its growth is the evolution of mobile devices and their increased use. Two-thirds of emails are opened on smartphones or tablets (Marketing Land 2015), 75% of Gmail users access to it through them and emails that are responsive have a 40% opening rate (Clickz 2015).

Take a look the infographic created by Campaign Monitor below and see how your successes and struggles fall in with other marketers.


The infographic has useful and important stats on what marketers are finding handy in email marketing. Sending emails to your subscribers and customers is a sure-fire way to ensure your business stays in their minds. We also listed the best email marketing tools to help you.


As for the tendencies for 2020, it is starting to grow the use of geolocation, that will allow hyper-segmentation and can reach, for example, people that are in the same area as the physical store. Video will be an good option to consider because it has a more positive response.

Thus, in the year 2020, email marketing is far from dying and brings with it advantages and potential to be explored by companies. With good practice and a well-planned strategy, developed by successful digital marketing agencies, the results will be out there.

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