8 Sites To Outsource Your Content Creation

How do you promote a product or service to the target audience? How do you develop and maintain the popularity of any kind of website? High-quality content is the ultimate key to success. That leads us to a conclusion: a blog is the most efficient marketing tool you could think of. It gives you space …

5 Reasons for Creating Compelling Content for Your Business Website

Content marketing has evolved from a new marketing concept to an essential marketing engine for almost any company in every sector. If you have been wondering “Is content marketing critical for my business?” the response is an emphatic YES! The significance of content marketing in digital marketing is directly proportional to its potential to maximize …

Content Marketing In 2021 and Beyond – the Art of Creating Engaging Content

88% of B2B marketers use content marketing to promote their brands If you run a business and have a website, you’re probably part of those 88%. And if you’re not, you’ll probably join the gang pretty soon because you cannot stand out on the market if you don’t create a marketing strategy. If you’re just …

Content Refreshing: How to Get More Traffic by Updating Old Content

The kind of content you publish on your website can make or break its performance in global search engines such as Google and Bing. Based on recent data, 92% of marketers have reported content as a valuable business asset, with 56% planning to spend more on content in 2021. Whether you publish industry news or …

15 Types Of Video Content For Every Stage Of Your Marketing Funnel

The world is shifting, and video marketing is the new darling of content marketing! The purpose of content marketing is to create and offer valuable content customized for your audience. It should attract, engage and convert your visitors – basically it should carry them down the marketing funnel. That’s where video marketing comes in. There …

Why It’s Easier To Market To A Niche Audience

Niche marketing – also known as micromarketing – is the springboard of choice for digital marketing beginners. It’s cheaper to start, offers less competition, is a good place to build customer rapport, and gives you plenty of time to generate content. What Is Niche Marketing? It’s possible you’ve heard this term before. Niche marketing can …

Get Your Business to ‘Think Outside the Blog’ in 2021

It’s been almost exactly four years since we declared that the blog is dead. What!? Okay, full disclosure: we meant the ‘company blog page’ was over! Finished! Finito! Kaput! We made the bold claim that any innovative company worth their salt was moving to a more media organisation approach, modelling themselves on news providers like …

Top 7 Stock Music Sites For Video Content Marketing in 2021

Content marketing has both pros and cons at the same time. When it comes to video marketing, the duration of the audience’s attention is the common goal for all of us. To create an amazing, story-driven medium, videos are the current helpers of the content creators, because they grab the attention first, and the information …

How To Approach Your Company’s Content With A Growth Mindset

The new year is less than two months away, and by now companies should already have a contract with a growth marketing forward HubSpot agency, and a clear path forward with their content direction. But some organizations wait up to the last minute to form a relationship with a digital marketing agency capable of creating …

Top 10 Tips for Repurposing Evergreen Content

When it comes to content across your digital platforms, you should treat it like you would a water bottle and not go for the single-use option. Why spend so much time creating something that you only post once? I’m not talking about simply reposting the same piece of content but tweak it so that it …

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