Gap Collaborates With Google To Launch Its AR-Based Mobile App

Gap is testing a new mobile app named “Dressing Room” to preview the clothes before you try.

Debuted at the CES Show 2017, American worldwide clothing company, Gap is into something innovative. The company is testing a virtual dressing room to give their customers a new way to try on their favourite clothes. Released the news on their official blog last month, the details of the project is quite interesting.

The app lets customers select virtual images of five body types featured in the app and after the virtual “try on”, they can buy what they liked via the app.

Let’s watch the video of the feature, here:

Gil Krakowsky, VP Global Strategy and Business Development at Gap, answers how the company created this technology:

Gap has been working on the fit of our products to better match the way customers are shaped instead of just looking at “fit model” sizes. One of our top priorities is continuing to improve our technical knowledge around how fabric stretch, drape and feel impact the sensation of fit.

The customer information was inputted into the Avametric technology backed by Google Tango platform and ASUS hardware so the customers will easily reach to the various fitting sizes. The item also appears on an avatar that moves around to show different angles.

To improve the browsing and shopping experience with augmented reality, the pilot app, Dressing Room by Gap will air on the Google Play Store soon.

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