Brand Management Belongs to Everyone, not Just Your Marketing Team

Brands have a profound impact on society and culture. The movements we champion, the people we promote, and the campaigns we launch – all influence the perceptions of humans around the world.

Consumers recognize our influential power and have become more interested in the values we stand for than the products themselves. So, how can you follow their lead, move beyond marketing, and create real communities passionate about your brand purpose?

Well, for starters, Brand Management belongs to everyone, not just your marketing team. That was the conclusion of recent Reuters Events online roundtable with CMO’s and Heads of Marketing from Arcelik, Aston Martin and Frontify. To successfully amplify your brands communications and provide your customers with an experience that drips with your brands personality you need to involve the whole company.

With an increased focus on purpose-driven marketing, the panel discussed examples of how these brands have managed to hit the right note, especially over the past few months.

Arcelik have partnered with a number of global sports brands including FC Barcelona to champion their cause to help fight childhood obesity, as a result their Eat Like a Pro campaign has won numerous international awards. Aston Martin on the other hand have carefully micro-managed each of their communications and been incredibly modest about their manufacturing effors switching from V8 super engines to PPE and other medical equipment.

These two vastly different methods have one thing in common, they had total buy-in from across the entire organisation. Learning how to align cross-functional teams to create a company-wide movement that understands the value of the brand is essential to your future success.

If you’re interested in how this discussion evolves, you should sign-up for Reuters Events: Strategic Marketing USA (5-6 Nov, Global Online Edition) – where the world’s most influential marketing leaders are coming together to discuss key 2021 brand strategies and insights. Register for your complimentary pass now!

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