How Uplers Helped JXT Save $180,000 in Salaries Every Year Hiring 5+ Full-time WordPress Developers in 4 Weeks

The new-age recruitment and talent acquisition goals, challenges, and pain points can not be fulfilled and managed by following a traditional hiring model: a model which is tedious, time and resource consuming, inefficient, expensive, and outright obsolete.

JXT, a digital marketing service provider based out of Australia, experienced this traditional hiring model’s ineffectiveness when they were looking to expand their business. Because of the constant increase in demand for their tools, training, and services like website development, they were looking to expand their in-house WordPress development team. They wanted to increase their output by hiring expert talent that can work in an execution partner’s capacity.

In search of expert talent, they equipped their in-house recruitment team with the necessary requirement details. But as they moved ahead in the process, they encountered various challenges and obstacles that ended up stretching their entire recruitment process without rendering proper output.

They faced challenges like:

  • Increasing costs and overheads: Because of the recruitment process running longer than expected and the difficulty in finding the right talent, the company’s recruitment expenses surpassed their budget. Hiring in-house talent always accrues various overheads like infrastructure, hardware, software tools, etc.
  • Reliability and retention: With high demand and job turnover, it becomes difficult to retain valuable and talented employees. On the other hand, hiring freelancers end up costing more than necessary because of unreliability.
  • Shortage of talent: Since they had a limited pool of talent, they couldn’t find the right expertise, and when they did, they were already employed. The shortage of talent unnecessarily extends the duration of the recruitment cycle.

All these shortcomings of the traditional hiring model cost them clients and resources.

This is where Uplers stepped in and helped JXT find the right, pre-vetted, expert talent that seamlessly integrated with their in-house team and saved over $180,000 in salaries.

Uplers Talent Connect program is designed to cater to new-age recruitment needs by eliminating all the hassles of profiling and screening candidates, technical assessments, and aptitude evaluations for the in-house team. They provide pre-vetted candidates after collecting the specific requirement from their clients. Their vetting process is custom-tailored to tackle the challenges faced by hiring managers while outsourcing their work overseas or to Indian Tech Teams.

Hiring from Uplers Talent Connect Program helped JXT build a team of expert professionals who, now, work as an extension of their in-house team.

How Uplers Talent Connect Program Helped JXT

  • Built a team that works on JXT’s culture & work priorities, and time zone enabling them to work together seamlessly.
  • JXT was encouraged to come onboard and train the Uplers talent face-to-face if needed. This helped remove any communication barrier and helped talent understand the processes and culture of JXT at a deeper level.
  • With proper NDAs and data security protocols in place, JXT was assured of data safety and accountability.
  • The Uplers Talent Connect program proved to be super cost-effective for JXT with quality output.

The WordPress developers hired from Uplers built 500+ websites in 5 years for JXT’s clients, and the number keeps growing. Moreover, because of the reliable and expert talent, JXT could increase its web development output by 213% YoY. Ultimately, they became the #1 digital marketing solutions provider in Australia.

All the credit for such incredible output goes to their vetting process, which helps them curate experts’ talent pool. Their vetting process is thorough, rigorous, and is created by keeping international standards in mind. The entire process takes around 8-10 hours and is created based on their experience working with 7000+ global clients. For better understanding, here’s an overview of their vetting process.

An Overview of Uplers Talent Connect Vetting Process

1. Profile Screening & Short-listing

According to 52% of talent acquisition leaders, shortlisting and screening the candidates is among the most challenging task in the entire recruitment process. On average, a corporate job receives over 250 resumes. Hence, choosing suitable candidates from such a vast pool of talent is like finding a needle in the haystack.

With the Uplers Talent Connect program, this tedious process is taken care of while maintaining proper standards. They have set minimum criteria for shortlisting candidates and stringent background checks and evaluation of past professional journey.

2. Language Proficiency

With outsourcing work, one of the significant challenges that companies face is the communication barrier.

Hence, the second step in Uplers’ vetting process is language proficiency. Each candidate has to go through a world-leading AI-powered English communication test that assesses the candidate’s ability to speak, read, write, listen to the English language. Not only that, but they also assess candidate’s fluency, speed of speech, and clarity of expression, which removes the language barrier in its entirety.

3. Aptitude Evaluation

Their third step of Aptitude evaluation helps them filter out the performance-driven and result-oriented talent. Their scientifically designed aptitude assessment test assesses the candidate’s ability and effectiveness in performing tasks, their reaction to certain situations, and their ability to handle high-pressure, high-stakes situations.

In a world where technology is advancing at Godspeed, having a talent that can keep up with the advancements and perform according to the evolving work standards is the differentiator of any organization’s success.

4. Technical Assessment

Uplers Talent Connect program’s third step of Aptitude Evaluation helps them filter out the performance-driven and result-oriented talent. It is one of the most important steps in the recruitment process as it assesses the candidate’s skills, from basics to advanced, which helps the organization hire the right talent for the job.

The talent’s technical skills enable them to perform well on the job and fulfill their roles and responsibilities suitably.

5. Online one-on-one Video Interview

Their last and final round in the vetting process is video interviews with the subject matter experts that access filters out the best talent from the Uplers curated pool of talent. This stage cross-verifies the results of the previous rounds. And also helps the expert understand the talent’s preferences and expectations based on which they make the matchmaking decisions.

According to Uplers, the right matchmaking between talent and organizations is at the core of their value proposition.

Uplers’ Exclusive Process that Helped JXT Source the Right Talent

How does the Uplers Talent Program actually work? How will they pick talent for your requirement?

Here’s a quick summary of their easy hiring process that helped JXT hire 5+ full-time WordPress developers in less than four weeks.

1. Requirement Gathering

Firstly, you’ll be speaking to an expert from their team who will gather your talent requirement, understand your goals, technical requirements, team dynamics, work culture, and processes.

This step enables the Uplers team to curate or shortlist candidates that will easily blend with your work culture.

2. Curation of Suitable Talent

As mentioned above, your project manager will curate a list of suitable talent based on the gathered requirements – within 48 hours. This step saves a great deal of time.

3. Choosing the Right Talent

Interview the candidates from the curated list to choose the talent that’s a perfect fit for you.

4. Remote Onboarding and Support

Once you finalize the talent, the Uplers team sets up the right frameworks, expectations, and effective processes on both ends for seamless onboarding. If needed, they also provide effective HR, IT, and admin support.

Uplers become your executive partner, helping you expand and achieve business goals frictionlessly.

Hiring Made Easy

Uplers Talent Connect program proves to be more effective if we take pandemic and growing remote working culture in the picture. In a world where conducting face-to-face interviews is not advisable, an agency that provides you with on-demand talent without the hassles and tedious hiring processes can prove to be a game-changer for you.

About Uplers

Uplers is a one-stop digital service company delivering end-to-end design, web development, digital marketing, and email production services across 52+ Nations.

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